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@andycall andycall released this 01 Jun 07:15

Big News

  1. Add Flutter 3.3/3.7 support. #246
  2. Add SVG suppport. #279
  3. Add Windows support. #162
  4. Add multiple flutter engine group support. #338


  1. Support transform property for computedstyle. #245
  2. Add btoa() and atob() API support. #253
  3. Add Vue SSR support. #256
  4. Replace malloc to mimalloc. #267
  5. Add CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradients and CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient support. #269
  6. Optimize Fetch() API performance. #287
  7. Add Blob.base64() to export base64 string from Blob directly. #278
  8. Expand quickjs default prop size and realloc capacity. #270
  9. Add context API for WidgetElement. #264
  10. Add kbc file type support for script element. #250
  11. Support react.js without any polyfill. #257
  12. Auto cache parsed bytecode for the first load. #280
  13. Invalidate cache when expect Http request errors #305
  14. Optimize dart dom and CSS selector performance. #309
  15. Support background-clip text. #318
  16. Remove ios armv7 armv7s support. #331
  17. Add DOMContentLoaded API. #330
  18. Optimize image load performance. #335
  19. Validate bytecode cache with CRC32 checksum. #336
  20. Add Element.querySelectorAll and Element.querySelector API. #342
  21. Support document.domain and document.compatMode. #343
  22. Support document.readyState. #347
  23. Add localStorage and sessionStorage support. #344
  24. Support document.visibilityState and document.hidden. #350
  25. Add document.defaultView API. #346
  26. Add support for Element.dataset API. #348
  27. Add Element.matches API. #365
  28. Add append() and prepend() support for Element, Document and DocumentElement. #361
  29. Add before() and after() support for Element and CharaterData. #361
  30. Add Element.closest API. #364
  31. Add HTMLScriptElement.readyState API. #367

Bug Fixed

  1. fix: fix pan scroll on desktop versions. #248
  2. fix: canvas should clip overflowed element. #263
  3. fix: ic should use none instead of atom flag and free it to prevent double delete. #277
  4. fix: pending promise crash for early gc and add lto to quickjs. #283
  5. fix update className property on hidden element. #255
  6. fix bytecode read should free atom to prevent leak. #285
  7. fix empty src on image. #286
  8. fix can not be GC even if it's detached or removed from the DOM tree. #291
  9. fix change size of canvas element didn't works. #276
  10. fix: ic free atom crash when ctx early free. #293
  11. fix: fix script execution order with inline script element. #273
  12. fix css function resolve base url. #282
  13. fix: rules didn't match which start with undefine at-rules. #294
  14. fix: fix child_node_list can be null. #297
  15. fix native memory leaks. #292
  16. fix renderObject memory leaks. #298
  17. fix dom content loaded event trigger condition. #274
  18. fix Element.toBlob() is not default to current pixel_ratio. #306
  19. fix scrollable size when update. #301
  20. fix layout error when using percentage value on transform. #307
  21. fix: css priority error. #310
  22. fix atob empty string cause crash. #311
  23. fix canvas element get multiple context error. #312
  24. fix http cache control parse error. #313
  25. fix image width/height attribute. #315
  26. fix crash when cancelAnimationFrame in frame callbacks. #317
  27. fix style didn't take effect and offsetLeftToScrollContainer value is calculated incorrectly. #322
  28. fix GIF images cause rendering performance overhead. #325
  29. fix: remove flushLayout when reading contentSize. #326
  30. fix setting lazy loading for an image didn't work. #328
  31. fix remounting widgetElement in the same frame to the DOM tree causes renderWidgets to be unmounted from the renderObject tree. #329
  32. fix: make sure renderObject had been layout before read view module properties. #333
  33. fix: protect DOMTimers until the ExecutingContext exits. #334
  34. fix reading target property on Touch caused crash. #340
  35. fix css vars() and calc() in some user cases. #355
  36. fix template element's content property cause mem leaks. #349