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common issues

Till edited this page Nov 12, 2023 · 19 revisions

The following are the common issues accounting for more than 75% reported issues.

Most of the issues no longer need addressing in the 2.3 branch. Let's keep them however as long as 2.3 isn't considered stable and 2.2 obsolete.

PointTracker tracker doesn't work!

Go to 'model' tab in the tracker settings, and input the clip's dimensions.

If you have a very flashy result, go to 'camera' tab in the tracker settings and try to play with threshold settings. If you still have difficulties to get your points detected, change gain/exposure setting in the driver of your camera. In general the "auto threshold" option is a benefit.

Tracking's too slow or jumpy!

Set up the Accela filter. It has its own wiki page.

I don't want to make a LED clip!

Then track your face as per AI Face Tracking wiki page or track a piece of paper as per aruco tracker wiki page.

Keybindings ignored in games!

Game is running as administrator with opentrack as regular user. Run both as administrator or both as user. You do not need to run opentrack as admin by default.

Profiles don't work!

Disable OneDrive integration in Windows 10 for the Documents directory.

freetrack protocol doesn't work!

This happens with Elite Dangerous and isn't opentrack's fault.

Try moving the software directly to a drive, e.g. c:/opentrack. Windows Vista and possibly others have issues with permissions. Can also use one of the c:/program files/ directories on the same partition as the game rather than the drive's root.

opentrack crashes with GIGABYTE OC GURU

Make sure you don't have Gigabyte OC Guru installed. The software does unseemly things to other running processes and is responsible for the crashes.

opentrack doesn't start when streaming using Moonlight

Moonlight uses NVidia GameStream, and it's library rxgamepadinput.dll tries to capture input from your device (for example for gamepad connected to your phone to be playable on your PC) and that messes up with opentrack. You can just rename it, so it will be disabled. Usually it is located here: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvStreamSrv or here: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvStreamSrv . Rename both just to be sure.

Moonlight forcefully injects itself into opentrack.exe corrupting the process. It's not our fault.

Profiles can't be saved

Disable OneDrive synchronization for the user's Documents directory.

How to install the PS3 Eye open driver?

Read the article.

I want to donate to the project!

The opentrack project doesn't receive any donations at the moment. Please donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation instead. Their work is important for free and open Internet. Thank you.

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