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Merge pull request #143 from jupierce/arch_annotation
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Allow images missing for different arches
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jupierce committed Nov 14, 2019
2 parents f8a3032 + 2480fa6 commit 813f985
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 202 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doozerlib/VERSION
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@@ -1 +1 @@
337 changes: 136 additions & 201 deletions doozerlib/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import os
import shutil
import yaml
import json
import sys
import subprocess
import urllib
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1596,9 +1597,9 @@ def release_gen_multiarch_payload(runtime, is_name, is_namespace, organization,
update and begins generating a new payload with the images tagged in
the image stream.
For automation purposes this command generates a mirroring.yaml file
after the arch-specific files have been generated. The yaml file
includes names of generated content.
For automation purposes this command generates a mirroring yaml files
after the arch-specific files have been generated. The yaml files
include names of generated content.
YOU MUST PROVIDE the base name for the image streams. The generated
files will append the -arch suffix to the given name.
Expand All @@ -1613,11 +1614,13 @@ def release_gen_multiarch_payload(runtime, is_name, is_namespace, organization,
$ doozer --group=openshift-4.3 release:gen-multiarch-payload \\
Note that if you use -i to include specific images, you should also include
openshift-enterprise-cli to satisfy any need for the 'cli' tag. The cli image
is used automatically as a stand-in for images when an arch does not build
that particular tag.
runtime.initialize(clone_distgits=False, config_excludes='non_release')
orgrepo = "{}/{}".format(organization, repository)
pattern = '{image_name_short}:{version}-{release}{version}-{release}%ARCH%{image_name_short}'.replace("%ORGREPO%", orgrepo)
cmd = runtime.command
runtime.state[cmd] = dict(state.TEMPLATE_IMAGE)
lstate = runtime.state[cmd] # get local convenience copy
Expand All @@ -1629,221 +1632,153 @@ def release_gen_multiarch_payload(runtime, is_name, is_namespace, organization,
images = [i for i in runtime.image_metas()]
lstate['total'] = len(images)

# Template Base Image Stream object.
isb = {
'kind': 'ImageStream',
'apiVersion': '',
'metadata': {
'name': is_name,
'namespace': is_namespace,
'spec': {
'tags': []

# All the items we will put in the image mirror input
src_dest_items = []
missing_source_items = []
no_build_items = []
invalid_name_items = []

# This will map[arch] -> map[image_name] -> { version: version, release: release, image_src: image_src }
mirroring = {}

for image in images:
dfp = DockerfileParser(path=runtime.working_dir)
dfp.content = image.fetch_cgit_file("Dockerfile")
except Exception:
err = "Error reading Dockerfile from distgit: {}".format(image.distgit_key)
raise state.DoozerStateError(err)

version = dfp.labels["version"]

s = pattern
s = s.replace("{build}", "{component}-{version}-{release}")
s = s.replace("{repository}", "{image}:{version}-{release}")
s = s.replace("{namespace}", image.namespace)
s = s.replace("{name}",
s = s.replace("{image_name}", image.image_name)
s = s.replace("{image_name_short}", image.image_name_short)
s = s.replace("{component}", image.get_component_name())
s = s.replace("{image}", dfp.labels["name"])
s = s.replace("{version}", version)

release_query_needed = '{release}' in s or '{pushes}' in s

# Since querying release takes time, check before executing replace
release = ''
if release_query_needed:
_, _, release = image.get_latest_build_info()
except IOError as err:
err = "Error looking up build info: {}".format(str(err))
raise state.DoozerStateError(err)

s = s.replace("{release}", release)

pushes_formatted = ''
for push_name in image.get_default_push_names():
pushes_formatted += '\t{} : [{}]\n'.format(push_name, ', '.join(image.get_default_push_tags(version, release)))

if not pushes_formatted:
pushes_formatted = "(None)"
s = s.replace("{pushes}", '{}\n'.format(pushes_formatted))

if "{" in s:
if "{arch}" in s:
raise IOError("Unrecognized fields remaining in pattern: %s" % s)

# Per clayton:
"""Tim Bielawa: note to self: is only for `ose-` prefixed images
Clayton Coleman: Yes, Get with the naming system or get out of town
if 'ose' in image.image_name_short and '666' not in release:
# Do not include test builds in the image stream. Only
# include 'ose-' prefixed images in the stream.

# dest, it's what we're publishing in the ImageStream
(src, dest) = s.split('=')

# Don't try to mirror things that don't exist
result = ""
cmd = "/bin/oc image info {}".format(src)
subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(' '), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as res:
# This *should* fail because we're pointing at manifest lists
result = res.output

# Querying a manifest list gives a non-0 result. Of
# course, any number of other things could yield non-9
# results. Let's make sure that was the actual thing
# that happened.
if "error: the image is a manifest list" in result:
green_prefix("Verified source image is a manifest list and complies with naming conventions: ")
red_prefix("NOT adding to IS, error querying image info (not a manifest list or doesn't exist?): ")

green_prefix("ADDING to IS: ")
click.echo(s.replace("%ARCH%", "-"))
if 'ose' not in image.image_name_short:
red_print("NOT adding to IS (does not meet name/version conventions): {}".format(image.image_name_short))

# Add a tag spec to the image stream. The name of each tag
# spec does not include the 'ose-' prefix. This keeps them
# consistent between OKD and OCP
'name': image.image_name_short.replace('ose-', ''),
'from': {
'kind': 'DockerImage',
'name': dest
_, version, release = image.get_latest_build_info()
src = '{}:{}-{}'.format(
image.image_name_short, version, release)
click.echo('Processing: {}'.format(src))
except IOError:
yellow_print('Unable to find build for: {}'.format(image.image_name_short))

# Add src=dest line to 'oc image mirror' input file
# The tag that will be used in the imagestreams
tag_name = image.image_name_short.replace('ose-', '')

src_repo = src.split(':')[0].split('@')[0] # strip off image tag or sha to just get base repo
# skopeo will print out json data for the image.
manifest_info_str = subprocess.check_output(["skopeo", "inspect", "-raw", 'docker://{}'.format(src)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
manifest_info = json.loads(manifest_info_str)

mediaType = manifest_info.get('mediaType', None)
if not mediaType:
raise DoozerFatalError('Unable to inspect {} for mediaType:\n {}'.format(src, manifest_info_str))

def add_tag_image(arch, arch_image):
# mirroring[arch][tag_name] = image_url
mirroring[arch] = mirroring.get(arch, {})
mirroring[arch][tag_name] = {'version': version, 'release': release, 'image_src': arch_image}

# A manifest.list is a list of images for different arches
if mediaType == "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json":
for arch_manifest in manifest_info['manifests']:
arch = arch_manifest['platform']['architecture']
if arch == 'amd64':
arch = 'x86_64'
arch_image = '{}@{}'.format(src_repo, arch_manifest['digest'])
add_tag_image(arch, arch_image)
red_prefix("NOT adding to IS (does not meet name/version conventions): ")
click.echo(s.replace("%ARCH%", "-"))
# If this is not a manifest list, assume this is x86_64
arch = 'x86_64'
arch_image = src
add_tag_image(arch, arch_image)

state.record_image_success(lstate, image)

# End 'for image in images' loop
except state.DoozerStateError, serr:
except state.DoozerStateError as serr:
state.record_image_fail(lstate, image, serr.message, runtime.logger)


green_prefix("Multiarching: ")
click.echo("Generating default arch (amd64) file")

# Save the default SRC=DEST 'oc image mirror' input to a file for
# later. Omit the arch in the format this time, amd64=default.
with open('src_dest', 'w+') as out_file:
for line in src_dest_items:
out_file.write("{}\n".format(line.replace("%ARCH%", "-")))

green_prefix("Multiarching: ")
click.echo("Generating arch-specific SRC=DEST files for {} arches".format(len(arches)))
for arch in arches:
# We default to amd64
if arch == 'x86_64':
click.echo("Generating SRC=DEST for {}".format(arch))
with open("src_dest.{arch}".format(arch=arch), 'w+') as out_file:
for line in src_dest_items:
line = line.replace("%ARCH%", "-{}-".format(arch))

green_prefix("Multiarching: ")
click.echo("Generating arch-specific ImageStream files for {} arches".format(len(arches)))
isb['spec']['tags'] = sorted(isb['spec']['tags'], key=lambda k: k['name'])

# I want to pre-apologize for all of this nonsense string
# manipulation code. Here's what we're trying to do:
# Take the DESTination string and insert "-ARCH" after the
# Version-Release string. BUT, we only need that for arch-specific
# files. The manifest-list ("base_isb") doesn't need to consider
# that. This is why you see a lot of copies and loops and
# replacements.

# Save our default amd64 image stream object. Replace the template
# "%ARCH%" string in each image tag with just a hyphen.
with open('image_stream.yaml', 'w') as is_out:
# Don't manipulate the source image stream. Copy and modify.
base_isb = copy.deepcopy(isb)
tags = base_isb['spec']['tags']
base_isb['spec']['tags'] = []
for t in tags:
# Replace the placeholder with a spacer
t['from']['name'] = t['from']['name'].replace("%ARCH%", '-'.format(arch))
yaml.safe_dump(base_isb, is_out, indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

# Now, save each individual arch specific file. Now, replace the
# template "%ARCH%" string with the correct architecture.
for arch in arches:
# Already written out
if arch == 'x86_64':
click.echo("Generating ImageStream for {}".format(arch))

# Don't manipulate the source image stream. Copy and modify.
this_isb = copy.deepcopy(isb)
this_isb['metadata']['name'] += "-{}".format(arch)
for arch in mirroring:

tags = this_isb['spec']['tags']
this_isb['spec']['tags'] = []
# Replace the placeholder with the specific arch
for t in tags:
t['from']['name'] = t['from']['name'].replace("%ARCH%", '-{}-'.format(arch))
mirror_filename = 'src_dest.{}'.format(arch)
imagestream_filename = 'image_stream.{}'.format(arch)
target_is_name = is_name
if arch != 'x86_64':
target_is_name = '{}-{}'.format(target_is_name, arch)

with open("image_stream.{arch}.yaml".format(arch=arch), 'w+') as out_file:
yaml.safe_dump(this_isb, out_file, indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

yellow_prefix("Images skipped due to invalid naming:\n")
for img in sorted(invalid_name_items):
click.echo(" {}".format(img))
def build_dest_name(tag_name):
entry = mirroring[arch][tag_name]
if arch == 'x86_64':
arch_ext = ''
arch_ext = '-{}'.format(arch)
return '{orgrepo}:{version}-{release}{arch_ext}-ose-{tag_name}'.format(orgrepo=orgrepo,

# Save the default SRC=DEST 'oc image mirror' input to a file for
# later.
with open(mirror_filename, 'w+') as out_file:
for tag_name in mirroring[arch]:
dest = build_dest_name(tag_name)
out_file.write("{}={}\n".format(mirroring[arch][tag_name]['image_src'], dest))

with open("{}.yaml".format(imagestream_filename), 'w+') as out_file:
# Add a tag spec to the image stream. The name of each tag
# spec does not include the 'ose-' prefix. This keeps them
# consistent between OKD and OCP

# Template Base Image Stream object.
tag_list = []
isb = {
'kind': 'ImageStream',
'apiVersion': '',
'metadata': {
'name': target_is_name,
'namespace': is_namespace,
'spec': {
'tags': tag_list,

for tag_name in mirroring[arch]:
'name': tag_name,
'from': {
'kind': 'DockerImage',
'name': build_dest_name(tag_name)

yellow_prefix("Images skipped due to not being manifest lists or missing sources:\n")
for img in sorted(missing_source_items):
click.echo(" {}".format(img))
# Not all images are built for non-x86 arches (e.g. kuryr), but they
# may be mentioned in image references. Thus, make sure there is a tag
# for every tag we find in x86_64 and provide just a dummy image.
for tag_name in mirroring['x86_64']:
if tag_name not in mirroring[arch]:

if 'cli' not in mirroring[arch]:
raise DoozerFatalError('A dummy image is required for tag {} on arch {}, but unable to find cli tag for this arch'.format(tag_name, arch))

yellow_print('Unable to find tag {} for arch {} ; substituting cli image'.format(tag_name, arch))
'name': tag_name,
'from': {
'kind': 'DockerImage',
'name': build_dest_name('cli') # cli is always built and is harmless

yaml.safe_dump(isb, out_file, indent=2, default_flow_style=False)

if no_build_items:
yellow_print("No builds found for:")
for img in sorted(no_build_items):
click.echo(" {}".format(img))

if invalid_name_items:
yellow_print("Images skipped due to invalid naming:")
for img in sorted(invalid_name_items):
click.echo(" {}".format(img))

@cli.command("release:gen-payload", short_help="Generate input files for release mirroring")
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