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Maksym Biloshytskyi edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the Open Raven Research wiki for all things related to the security rules that power Magpie and are incorporated in the Open Raven commercial platform.

The wiki includes documentation about how to write policies and rules as well as a section of curated guides about how to fix problems that may have been identified after running an analysis.

We also maintain a current directory page listing all the rules hosted in this repo and a section listing other public repos that share rules.

Policies and rules directory (@TODO)

Writing policies and rules

Policy and Rules overview

Policies and rules consist of crafted YAML files within a Git repository, one file per policy or rule.

Policy Fields

Policies contain the following fields. All fields are required unless specifically marked optional.

Field Data Type Description Sample Required?
policyId string A unique identifier provided by Open Raven opnrvn-p-1 yes
policyName string Human readable title for the policy AWS Security Best Practices yes
cloudProvider enum The provider this policy should be applied against. aws yes
description string A sentence-long description of the policy yes
enabled boolean Whether this policy should be applied when run in Magpie true optional, default to true
rules array of strings Rule filenames (the /rules path is implied) - opnrvn-r-1.yaml yes
version string Version number for the policy 0.9 yes

Rule Fields

Rules contain the following fields. All fields are required unless specifically marked optional.

Field Data Type Description Sample Required?
ruleId string A numerically increasing serial following the defined naming format opnrvn-r-12 yes
type enum Currently only one type is supported (asset) asset yes
ruleName string Human readable title for the rule AWS security group allows access to known command and control destinations yes
description string A sentence-long description of the rule yes
severity enum One of high, medium, low high yes
enabled boolean Whether this rule should be applied when run in Magpie true optional, default to true
sql SQL string A sql query that returns assets that violate this policy yes
eval Python code Python code that performs additional processing on the returned SQL results optional
version string Version number for the rule 0.9 yes

Rule naming

TODO: Rule naming authorities and the RuleID field

SQL Schema and Queries

Magpie rules require SQL queries (unless the rule is is set to be a manual control). These SQL queries are always executed against the PostgreSQL service where assets are persisted during the discovery phase. PostgreSQL is the only database supported by Magpie and as such rules can use PG specific query features (such as

Rules should not modify the database, but checks are currently done to ensure this. As such only consume rules from trusted sources.

The current schema is as follows:

Column Type Description
document_id varchar(59) primary key
asset_id varchar(255)
resource_name varchar(255)
resource_id varchar(255)
resource_type varchar(255)
region varchar(50)
project_id varchar(255)
account_id varchar(255)
created_iso timestamp with time zone
updated_iso timestamp with time zone
discovery_session_id varchar(255)
max_size_in_bytes integer
size_in_bytes integer
configuration jsonb
supplementary_configuration jsonb
tags jsonb
discovery_meta jsonb

Python for Advanced Rules


Testing security rules


Security rules could be tested using prepared tests assets which reproduce scenario violation see the security-rules/resources/tests Each tests consists of

  • ruleId : matching test assets to the specific rule, relation is always one-to-one
  • description : about how the test scenario prepared and why it violates the rule
  • insecureAssets : map of assets which simulate insecure environment from rule perspective.
  • secureAssets : map of assets which simulate secure environment from rule perspective

Assets map definition:

  • key: target asset_id to be discovered by rule
  • value: list of assets body in JSON format which simulate environment state (secure/insecure)

List of assets could be used in following scenarios:

  1. Relation between assets which analysed by rule. Each asset group violates rule with targetAssetId specified in map key. (example: logging sink should is not mapped to the locked bucket - hence sink asset_id violates the rule)
  2. Set of assets of the same type which doesn't pass the rule but expected message is the same for all assets (example: bunch of assets which doesn't properly configure default logging will return the same message for rule execution - "no active empty logging sink")

Creating test resource

  1. grab the required assets type by magpie-discovery. You could use magpie-quickrun, enable json and postgres output
  2. redirect JSON formatted assets from the error output to the file, ensure discovery assets are also persisted in DB
  3. execute the rule SQL against the DB, discovered asset_id is the one which violates the rule, and should appear as a key in map insecureAssets
  4. find the related asset definitions in the output file from the point 2, save them as JSON list for a value in the same map insecureAssets. For additional test cases, use new key value pair for another test scenario setup.
  5. check DB for other assets related to the same rule which pass it. Save them under the secureAssets map using the same approach from the point 4.


Test scenario for security rules resides in magpie. (Search in magpie repository for SecurityRuleValidator class). Test method is executed for each provided test resource file, by use of Junit5 Parameterized tests Shortly test perform the following:

  • getting the security-rules repo, and build stream of testresource files being found in provided source path or default one.
  • load policies with rules
  • foreach test resource file:
    • get the referenced rule from test resource file
    • for each entry in insecureAssets map execute:
      • insert insecure asset group to testcontainer DB
      • execute rule against assets, and ensure expected violated asset returned
      • cleanup DB
    • for each entry in secureAssets map execute:
      • execute secure group of assets
      • execute rule against secure state, no assets should violate the rule
    • final cleanup DB before next test resource file

Developer able to run the testcase in following modes:

  • using local repo specifying the parameter -Drepository=<absolute-path-to-local-git-repo> - execute all tests in repository and use security-rules from the same path. Useful for the full scope testing or testing rule changes which stored locally. Without this parameter tests will be executed against master branch version of security-rules
  • using local test-resource path specifying the parameter -DtestResourcePath=<absolute-path-to-resource> - execute all tests in folder or a single test if provided path is file. Useful for single test file execution.
  • combination of above parameters allow to execute single test against the local rules
  • default execution without any parameters - checkout the master branch of security-rules repo and execute it


Security-rules testing is triggered on each PR and merge to master for security-rules and magpie repo.

How-to guides for fixing cloud security issues

Additional help and information is available on the Open Raven research site including screencasts and videos covering these topics and more.

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