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Coding rules

Jerome Flesch edited this page May 27, 2018 · 17 revisions
  • Paperwork is made to be simple to use (think simple enough that your own grandmother could install and use it)
  • Paperwork is open-source software (GPLv3+)
  • Your changes must respect the PEP8 (you can use the command 'make check' to check your changes)
  • You must not break existing features. You're strongly encouraged to discuss the changes you want to make beforehand (on the bug tracker, the mailing-list or IRC).
  • Your contribution must be maintainable: It must be clear enough so that somebody else can maintain it. If it is a complicated piece of code, please comment it as clearly as possible.
  • Your contribution must and will be reviewed (most likely by me, Jflesch)
  • If you make an important contribution, please try to maintain it (fix bug reported by other users regarding features you added, etc).
  • Please try to have one change per commit.
  • If you see pieces of code that doesn't follow these rules, feel free to make a cleanup commit to fix it. Please do not mix cleanups with other changes.
  • All commits go to the branch 'develop'. I (Jflesch) will cherry-pick them in master or release branches if required.
  • If you add new dependencies, please update:
    • for Python dependencies
    • src/paperwork/ frontend ; for non-Python dependencies
    • paperwork-backend/ backend ; for non-Python dependencies
    • flatpak/develop.json: Used to generate Flatpak packages (see flatpak-builder). To test your changes, you can generate standalone Paperwork Flatpak bundles with "cd flatpak ; make bundles" (it's quite long ; beware it will use your local develop.json but will package Paperwork from Github).

Same rules apply for all the libraries in Openpaperwork: PyOCR, Pyinsane, etc.

Regarding PEP-8, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  1. Lines are at most 80 characters long
  2. Indentation is done using 4 spaces

(again, please run "make check" before submitting a change)