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🔬 OpenMicroanatomy / QuPath Edu

OpenMicroanatomy is a free and open-source software to host & view whole slide images. It works in parallel with our QuPath extension called QuPath Edu, which adds new features to QuPath to make it more suitable as a learning / teaching tool, while still maintaining all the original features.



Main repositories Description
qupath-edu-extension A QuPath extension which communicates with the OpenMicroanatomy Server and adds new features such as enhanced annotations, slide tours, analyze remote slides and much more.
server Handles authentication, stores the QuPath projects for remote access, handles backups, converts slides into smaller tiles and much more.
web A React app which communicates with the OpenMicroanatomy Server and provides a whole slide image viewer and other basic QuPath Edu features such as enhanced annotations, slide tours; it does not include any analysis features.


  1. qupath-edu-extension qupath-edu-extension Public

    Java 4 2

  2. server server Public

    Java 2

  3. web web Public

    TypeScript 1


Showing 8 of 8 repositories


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