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Releases: openhab/openhab-windows

First Beta

20 Jan 07:14
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Merge dev to master (#46)

Beta 0.1

* app will check your connection, when on metered connection it will connect to the remote url, otherwise take the normal url

* implemented demo url, disabled settings fields when demomode is checked

* #4 Implemented demo mode

* navigating forward in a sitemap works

* 7 implement new design (#10)

* app will check your connection, when on metered connection it will connect to the remote url, otherwise take the normal url

* implemented demo url, disabled settings fields when demomode is checked

* #4 Implemented demo mode

* navigating forward in a sitemap works

* Implemented NavigationService for widgets

* Added styled Switch widget

* add SliderWidget

* added slider widget

* fix merge issues

* Added section switch widget (#14)

* 15 add color widget (#16)

* fix #11

* First step in fixing layout issues is done

* generic UI fixes

* added color widget, fixes #15

* added colorchanged handling and default value

* fix widget bug

* 15 add color widget (#17)

* fix #11

* First step in fixing layout issues is done

* generic UI fixes

* added color widget, fixes #15

* added colorchanged handling and default value

* fix widget bug

* Made frame icon smaller and next to label (#27)

* Added MJPEG widget (#28)

* Fixed slider bug where click didn't trigger change event (#29)

* fixes #22, background image gets a dark overlay to make titles more visible (#30)

* Fixed nullreference on app launch and url set (#31)

* added app title, icon and splashscreen (#32)

* fixed issue #33 with not working demo mode (#34)

* added demo mode check to url check

* Replaced ListViewItemPresenter with UIElement structure like dokumented here - (#35)

Fixes issue #21

* Fixes #23 style of settingspage matches app design (#37)

* Added support for authorization

* 38-AddSupportForUsernameAndPassword (#39)

* Fixes #23 style of settingspage matches app design

* Added support for authorization

* Fixes #23 style of settingspage matches app design

* Added support for authorization

* Completed rollershutter widget (#40)

* Added capability to access private network for lokal openHAB instance access. (#43)

issue #41

* Fixes #42 Crash on save with invalid url (#45)

* change logo + disable colorpicker for now