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Graphical OpenDXL Broker Installation

Chris Smith edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 7 revisions

This page walks through the steps necessary to install the OpenDXL Broker using the Docker Kitematic Graphical User Interface.

Create OpenDXL Directory Stucture

Prior to installing the OpenDXL Broker, create a directory structure to contain the broker's configuration and log files.

It is highly recommended that a root "opendxl" directory is created. This root directory will be common across the OpenDXL Broker, applications, and clients. Within the root "opendxl" directory, create a "opendxl-broker" directory which will contain the configuration and log files for the broker.

The structure should appear as follows:


#f03c15 NOTE: If you are using Docker Toolbox for Windows, this structure must be created under the current user's directory within the Windows "Users" directory.

For example: C:\Users\myuser\opendxl\opendxl-broker

Create Docker Container

The next step is to pull the OpenDXL Broker Docker image from Docker Hub and create a local container.

Type "opendxl-broker" in the search field as shown above. If the search field is not currently being displayed, click the + NEW button in the upper-left corner of the interface and then type in the search string.

Click the CREATE button for the opendxl\opendxl-broker Docker image as shown above. The Docker image will be downloaded and a local container will be created.

Configure Container Ports

When a container is created via Kitematic it dynamically selects available ports on the Docker host system to map to the ports being exposed by the container. In the screenshot below, it has selected port 32857 to map to 8443 (broker management console) and port 32856 to map to 8883 (broker/MQTT).

In this step, the container will be edited to have specific ports assigned from the host to the container. To initiate editing of the container's settings, click on the Settings tab as shown in the screen shot above.

Next, click on the Hostname/Ports sub-tab within the container's settings as shown above. Each of the ports that are exposed from the container are listed along with the currently mapped IP address and port from the host system. Click on each of the ports for the host and switch their values to map to the container port values (8443 and 8883) as shown above.

After the ports have been updated, click the Save button to persist the changes.

Configure Volume

When a container is created via Kitematic it will dynamically select a location for the OpenDXL Broker VOLUME. The OpenDXL Broker VOLUME contains the broker's configuration and log files (see Configuration and Logging for more information).

In this step, the container will be edited to map its VOLUME to the opendxl-broker folder that was created previously.

To initiate editing of the container's VOLUME, click on the Volumes sub-tab within the container's settings as shown above. Click on the CHANGE button and select the opendxl-broker folder that was created previously.

Once the local folder has been assigned to the VOLUME the container will automatically be restarted and the configuration and logging files will be created in the opendxl-broker folder.

Validate installation

At this point, the OpenDXL Broker has been configured and should be running.

To validate that the OpenDXL Broker is running successfully, click on the Home tab as shown in the screen shot above. Confirm that the ports are assigned correctly in the IP & PORTS portion of the Kitematic interface and that no errors exist within CONTAINER LOGS.

Validate Logging and Configuration Files

To validate that the OpenDXL Broker logging and configuration files have been created successfully, examine the contents of the opendxl-broker folder that was created previously.

The contents of the opendxl-broker folder should look similar to the screen shot above.

OpenDXL Broker Management Console

To confirm that the management console is running correctly, open a browser and navigate to the IP address and port (8443) of the management console using https. To determine the IP address and port refer to the IP & PORTS portion of the Kitematic interface (see Validate Installation section above).

The browser should display the management console as shown above. See the Management Console Documentation for more information on using the console (including login information).