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@jkterry1 jkterry1 released this 06 Sep 18:23
· 18 commits to master since this release

Release notes for v0.26.0

This release is aimed to be the last of the major API changes to the core API. All of the previously "turned off" changes of the base API (step termination / truncation, reset info, no seed function, render mode determined by initialization) are now expected by default. We still plan to make breaking changes to Gym itself, but to things that are very easy to upgrade (environments and wrappers), and things that aren't super commonly used (the vector API). Once those aspects are stabilized, we'll do a proper 1.0 release and follow semantic versioning. Additionally, unless something goes terribly wrong with this release and we have to release a patched version, this will be the last release of Gym for a while.

If you've been waiting for a "stable" release of Gym to upgrade your project given all the changes that have been going on, this is the one.

We also just wanted to say that we tremendously appreciate the communities patience with us as we've gone on this journey taking over the maintenance of Gym and making all of these huge changes to the core API. We appreciate your patience and support, but hopefully, all the changes from here on out will be much more minor.

Breaking backward compatibility

These changes are true of all gym's internal wrappers and environments but for environments not updated, we provide the EnvCompatibility wrapper for users to convert old gym v21 / 22 environments to the new core API. This wrapper can be easily applied in gym.make and gym.register through the apply_api_compatibility parameters.

  • Step Termination / truncation - The Env.step function returns 5 values instead of 4 previously (observations, reward, termination, truncation, info). A blog with more details will be released soon to explain this decision. @arjun-kg
  • Reset info - The Env.reset function returns two values (obs and info) with no return_info parameter for gym wrappers and environments. This is important for some environments that provided action masking information for each actions which was not possible for resets. @balisujohn
  • No Seed function - While Env.seed was a helpful function, this was almost solely used for the beginning of the episode and is added to gym.reset(seed=...). In addition, for several environments like Atari that utilise external random number generators, it was not possible to set the seed at any time other than reset. Therefore, seed is no longer expected to function within gym environments and is removed from all gym environments @balisujohn
  • Rendering - It is normal to only use a single render mode and to help open and close the rendering window, we have changed Env.render to not take any arguments and so all render arguments can be part of the environment's constructor i.e., gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human"). For more detail on the new API, see blog post @younik

Major changes

  • Render modes - In v25, there was a change in the meaning of render modes, i.e. "rgb_array" returned a list of rendered frames with "single_rgb_array" returned a single frame. This has been reverted in this release with "rgb_array" having the same meaning as previously to return a single frame with a new mode "rgb_array_list" returning a list of RGB arrays. The capability to return a list of rendering observations achieved through a wrapper applied during gym.make. #3040 @pseudo-rnd-thoughts @younik
  • Added save_video that uses moviepy to render a list of RGB frames and updated RecordVideo to use this function. This removes support for recording ansi outputs. #3016 @younik
  • RandomNumberGenerator functions: rand, randn, randint, get_state, set_state, hash_seed, create_seed, _bigint_from_bytes and _int_list_from_bigint have been removed. @balisujohn
  • Bump ale-py to 0.8.0 which is compatibility with the new core API
  • Added EnvAPICompatibility wrapper @RedTachyon

Minor changes