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Github Hints for OpenAddresses

Štefan Baebler edited this page May 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

One of the best ways to contribute to OpenAddresses is to maintain your own fork of the repository, make your changes there, and send pull requests from that fork. As OA changes frequently through commits from the maintaining team, merged prs and the like, often these commits do not affect the files you're working on.

To keep your own fork in sync, one easy method is to maintain a local copy, pull changes from the master as an upstream remote, then push to your own github repo. This will maintain local changes (additions) without overwriting them.

  1. fork openaddresses to your own repository
  2. on your local machine, clone it with git clone<yourusername>/openaddresses.git
  3. cd openaddresses

Then, to execute an update once some commits have been applied to the original repository:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master origin/master
git push

This will prompt you for your Github credentials, and then should push all the changes from openaddresses/openaddresses to /openaddresses