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Add the s3 provider to the contrib distro #122

Add the s3 provider to the contrib distro

Add the s3 provider to the contrib distro #122

Triggered via pull request May 7, 2024 18:13
Status Failure
Total duration 6m 11s


on: pull_request
Matrix: Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser
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26 errors
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
invalid operation: resp.ContentLength > 0 (mismatched types *int64 and untyped int)
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
cannot use resp.ContentLength (variable of type *int64) as int64 value in assignment
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
cannot use out.BucketKeyEnabled (variable of type *bool) as bool value in struct literal
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
invalid operation: a[i].PartNumber < a[j].PartNumber (operator < not defined on pointer)
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
cannot use completeOut.BucketKeyEnabled (variable of type *bool) as bool value in struct literal
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
cannot use c.num (variable of type int32) as *int32 value in struct literal
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
cannot use c.num (variable of type int32) as *int32 value in assignment
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, amd64)
The process '/opt/hostedtoolcache/goreleaser-action/1.25.1-pro/x64/goreleaser' failed with exit code 1
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (windows, 386)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (darwin, amd64)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, 386)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, arm)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, arm64)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, s390x)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (linux, ppc64le)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (darwin, arm64)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.
Continuous Integration - Contrib - GoReleaser / check-goreleaser (windows, amd64)
The job was canceled because "linux_amd64" failed.