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Next.js Boilerplate

An open source boilerplate built using Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS


With this template, you get all the awesomeness you need:

Project structure

├── public                          # Public assets folder
├── src
│   ├── app                         # Next JS App (App Router)
│   ├── components                  # React components
│   │   ├── features                # Containing logic operations
│   │   ├── shared                  # Header, footer, aside components
│   │   ├── skeletons               # Loading components
│   │   ├── ui                      # Atomic components
│   │   └── widgets                 # Advanced components
│   ├── data                        # Static or mock data
│   ├── helpers                     # Helper functions
│   ├── hooks                       # React hooks
│   ├── providers                   # All providers
│   ├── services                    # API services
│   ├── stores                      # Zustand stores
│   ├── types                       # Type definitions
│   └── utils                       # Utilities folder
├── .eslintrc.json                  # ESLint configuration
├── .prettierrc                     # Prettier configuration
├── components.json                 # shadcn/ui configuration
├── next-sitemap.config.js          # next-sitemap configuration
├── next.config.mjs                 # Next.js configuration
├── postcss.config.js               # PostCSS configuration
├──                       # README file
├── tailwind.config.js              # Tailwind CSS configuration
└── tsconfig.json                   # TypeScript configuration