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Boot project with om checkout dependencies

taylorSando edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 1 revision

If you have a boot project and would like to work with the raw om source code in parallel with your own project, you can do so using boot's checkout and watch tasks.

In your boot project, you must make sure that your checkout task occurs after the watch task, e.g.,

boot repl -s watch checkout -d org.omcljs/om:X.X.X-SNAPSHOT

Here is how you might call it in build.boot.

(comp (watch) (checkout :dependencies [[[['org.omcljs/om "X.X.X-SNAPSHOT"]]]]))

In the om source directory, you can rebuild the jar by using the following command:

boot -d cljsjs/react:0.14.3-0 -d cljsjs/react-dom:0.14.3-1 -d com.cognitect/transit-clj:0.8.285 -d com.cognitect/transit-cljs:0.8.237 -d org.clojure/core.async:0.2.371 -d figwheel-sidecar:0.5.0 -d devcards:0.2.0-8 -r src/main watch pom -p org.omcljs/om -v X.X.X-SNAPSHOT jar install

Make sure to check the leiningen project file for a list of all the current dependencies, as they may be different than what is shown here.