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A Yeoman generator for DevExtreme projects

generator-devextreme creates new projects that utilize DevExtreme widgets, targeting jQuery, Knockout and Angular.


You need Yeoman, more specifically the yo command, which is based on Node.js (I recommend using nvm). Assuming you have Node installed, making yo available globally on your system requires only this command:

npm install -g yo


To install generator-devextreme, run another npm command:

npm install -g generator-devextreme


Start by creating a folder for your project and changing into it. The generator will create files and sub-folders within the current folder.

mkdir MyCoolProject
cd MyCoolProject

The generator is written to assume a number of defaults and not to ask a lot of questions. Typically, you would pass the type of application project you want to create on the command line, and possibly specify some options to override defaults:

yo devextreme jquery

This generates a jQuery based project with DevExtreme widget integration, Intl localization support and Webpack bundling.

yo devextreme knockout --bundling usecdn --localization globalize --locales de,ja,en-GB

This generates a Knockout based project with DevExtreme widget integration, Globalize localization support with extra locales 'de', 'ja' and 'en-GB' loaded, using CDN URLs to load libraries (and no bundling).

If you prefer using prompts to define the various parameters instead of passing command line options, try running the generator like this:

yo devextreme --prompts

Project types

These are the supported project types:

Name Description
jquery jQuery based project
knockout Knockout based project, using a view model bound to the DevExtreme widgets
angular Angular based project, utilizing the integration provided with the DevExtreme widgets. This project is based on Angular CLI version 1.4.4.


Options are passed with a preceding --, e.g. --localization or --bundling. Alternatively, when using --prompts, prompts are shown to query all parameters.

Name Default Description
localization intl One of intl and globalize. See general information about localizing DevExtreme in my recent blog post. For angular projects, only intl is currently supported.
no-localization n/a Don't integrate any localization library.
locales none Additional locales, other than the standard en, to load language data for. DevExtreme currently supports ru (Russian), ja (Japanese) and de (German) out of the box. When using Globalize, the given locales are also used to load number formats, calendar and currency information. This can be important for locales like en-GB, which can use en language but requires its own formats. The parameter must be given as a comma-separated list, e.g. de, ja, en-GB (use quotes when passing spaces on the command line, spaces and quotes are optional).
bundling See description One of webpack, usecdn and angular-cli. For angular type projects, the only supported and default bundling type is angular-cli (angular-cli is only supported for angular type projects.). For project types other than angular, the default is webpack. This generates a project that uses Webpack to build a bundle, including Babel integration. usecdn creates a project without bundling or any other build steps, where required libraries are loaded via script tags in HTML.
prompts false Show prompts to query the application name, the project type, and the other options described in this table.

Using the resulting projects

Information can be found in the file included in each generated project, please be sure to check there for up-to-date details. Here's the gist:

CDN based jquery and knockout projects

Simply open the file index.html in a browser

Webpack based jquery and knockout projects

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run the development web server:

npm start

Type angular projects

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run the development web server, making sure to use the project-specific version of ng:

node_modules/.bin/ng serve

** alternatively:
npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:4200 in a browser.

Note that additional commands based on Angular CLI also work. Please see the in your generated Angular project for a few details on executing ng.

Sample repositories

If you would like to browse examples of the projects created by this generator, please find the links in the table below. Note that all projects were created with the option --locales de,ja,en-GB.

Type Localization Bundling Link
jquery intl webpack Repository
usecdn Repository
globalize webpack Repository
usecdn Repository
knockout intl webpack Repository
usecdn Repository
globalize webpack Repository
usecdn Repository
angular intl angular-cli Repository

Future Plans

  • Add JSZip integration, required for client-side export features in some widgets
  • Add support for ASP.NET MVC projects
  • Add support for React projects
  • (Continuous) Add support for new project types supported by DevExtreme