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A mathematical function parser for C++

Supported syntax

It can debugResolve + - * / ^ ( ) as in 53 * 34 or (2+3)*4^2

It can debugResolve sqrt log logten sin cos tan asin acos atan as in sqrt(9) or cos(343) (log is log to base of 2, and logten is log to the base of 10)

It can debugResolve pi e to return the constants pi and e.

Finally, it can debugResolve any variable name matching ^\w+$.

How to use it

via Docker

Build it

docker build --tag mathparser .

Run it

docker run --rm mathparser "((2+3)*-3)+2+x*y*sin(pi/2)" "x" "-34" "y" "3"

local compile

You need to have a C++20 compatible compiler, cmake > 3.13 and conan installed.

Then run this to build, test and install:

mkdir build && cd build
conan install ..
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install . 

Run via:

math_parser-bin "((2+3)*-3)+2+x*y*sin(pi/2)" "x" "-34" "y" "3"

(First parameter is the function, any 2nd and 3rd is a variable and its value)


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