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Releases: oelna/microblog


29 Sep 10:05
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This is the latest and greatest release of Microblog, which features an all-new setup experience! Simply clone the repo onto a webserver of your choosing, make sure it's reachable from a domain or subdomain root and open the site in the browser. You will be presented with the settings UI, where you can set a username and password, or even a passkey, for login!

Adjust a few options and on to your first post!

The release should preserve the settings from your existing config.php, if you had it, but in the future, I hope to make the config files go away entirely.

The 2.0 release introduced ActivityPub support for Mastodon compatibility, 2.2 has support for passkey login for the first time.

I hope you'll enjoy it and this will help new users get started more easily, as well as help all Microblogs out there be a part of the Fediverse, if they want it.


16 Aug 13:02
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v2.0 Pre-release

This the first version that includes support for ActivityPub. It creates a few new DB tables, changes a lot of files, improves upon the theming system and much more.

ActivityPub is sadly not compatible with subdirectory hosting (needs access/support for .well-known dir on root), so if you rely on this, stay on v1.0

The 2.0 release will get a few updates before we can call it stable, but should preserve your posts on update. You will need to manually create the newly added config options in your config.php file though.


16 Aug 12:46
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The tried and true version of the PHP microblog project (can be hosted in subdirectories)