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Releases: odinblockchain/ODIN

v1.6.6 Official — Mandatory Update

04 Dec 19:44
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v1.6.6 Release Notes

v1.6.6 is an MANDATORY release for all Wallets and ODIN Masternodes. Any ODIN Blockchain Wallet software less than v1.6.6 should UPGRADE IMMEDIATELY. There is a planned blockchain fork happening around December 30th 2019 at 22:00 UTC. At that time any wallets not running this version may begin mining an INVALID chain and thus mean your stake rewards will be worthless!

This is a mandatory release including various bug fixes and enhancements downstream from Phore and PIVX. These enhancements include: Proposal creation and voting from within your Wallet, Masternode management from within your wallet, and Segwit activation.


We've provided official SHASUM file integrity checks on our official @odinblockchain twitter for message integrity. Please see this thread for SHASUM:

Bugs? Wallet Support?

Please report all bugs through the official ODIN Blockchain Github tracker:

For other questions/general support, please join either our Discord or Telegram communities, or start a thread on our Reddit.

What happens if I don't upgrade

Due to v1.6.6 being a mandatory update, meaning you must upgrade it as soon as possible, you are at risk of missing out on potential rewards from staking your ODIN coins. The planned fork is expected to occur on December 30th, 2019 at 22:00 UTC. Any wallet software that has not upgraded at that time may start forking which will mean your stakes from then on would be worthless.

If this happens to you or you are just realizing this has happened, please shutdown your wallet instance immediately and take the following steps:

  1. Download the latest v1.6.6 wallet software for your machine;
  2. Remove the following folders from your ODIN Blockchain Data Directory: blocks/, chainstate/, sporks/, zerocoin/
    1. Optional: Place the bootstrap.dat file in your Data folder to sync a little faster OR download the compressed snapshot file that contains those folders.
  3. Start your wallet again. If using a bootstrap or snapshot folders, it should pick up from there and begin synchronizing.

How to Upgrade Wallets

Shut down the older wallet. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then download, open, and run the appropriate application for your system.

  • Windows: should contain odin-qt.exe within the bin/ folder.
  • Mac: odin-1.6.6-osx64.dmg should contain ODIN which can be moved to replace the one in your Applications/ folder.
  • Linux/GNU: odin-1.6.6-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz should contain odin-qt within the bin/ folder.

How to Update ODIN Docker

Our ODIN wallet hosted on Dockerhub can be upgraded to this latest release by simply re-running the latest published image. This process should leave your local ODIN data folder untouched and simply rebuild your docker instance. As a precaution however, you could make a backup of your wallet.dat file before hand.

# download the latest odind-docker image
docker run --restart always -d -v ~/odin-wallet/:/root/.odin/ --name=odind-docker odinblockchain/odind-docker:v1.6.6

How to Upgrade Masternodes

Looking for hassle-free Masternode hosting for ODIN? Look no further than MASH. For a fixed price per month, you can rent as many Masternodes as we have available and not worry about any upgrades or confusing setups/guides. All profit funnels back into ODIN Society and ODIN Blockchain.

Important: When upgrading Masternodes, upgrade your personal "controller" wallet first.

Single Masternode on VPS (Virtual Private Server)

You'll need to shut down your current wallet (the odind process), download the latest wallet to your VPS, unpack it, replace the primary executable files with the new ones, and restart your wallet.

odin-cli stop
tar zxvf odin-1.6.6-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
cp ./odin-1.6.6/bin/odin* /usr/local/bin/
odind -daemon

To verify the status of the Masternode a few minutes after restarting with the upgraded version, type:

odin-cli masternode status

If it says "started successfully", that may be all you need to do. If it tells you that it is a "hot node awaiting activation", you'll need to go back to your personal wallet "controller", and either open the debug console, and type the following, replacing "aliasname" with the name you used for your masternode:

startmasternode alias false "aliasname"

Or utilize the new Masternode management screen that is part of the core Qt wallet UI and select the specific Masternode that needs to be started and then click the "Start Alias" button at the bottom of the screen.

In either case it should say it was "started successfully". After about 30 minutes from when you started the Masternode, verify on your ODIN wallet Masternode tab, in the Active column, that the time has started counting up from zero. If it is, you're set!

Syncing the blockchain with bootstrap/snapshot

Using a bootstrap.dat file or a snapshot of the ODIN data directory are done at your own risk. Never use bootstrap.dat or snapshot files from any unofficial sources, as your node is trusting that the data is from the correct ODIN blockchain.

It is more secure and recommended to sync the ODIN blockchain over the network from other ODIN nodes. However, if you have issues with your ODIN wallet/Masternode syncing the blockchain, for example if it gets stuck on a specific block and won't continue syncing, in some cases it may help to use a bootstrap.dat file that provides a local copy of all of the blocks up to a certain point.

If your wallet/Masternode has never been run before, start your wallet/masternode to have it create the initial ODIN data directory. If you have an existing wallet you can skip this step.

Syncing the blockchain with bootstrap.dat

The ODIN Society has provided a recent bootstrap.dat file to help with troubleshooting in these cases. Unless you have a very slow Internet connection, it is not significantly faster to load blocks from a bootstrap.dat file than it is to load it over the network – it is mostly useful in cases when a user is having issues with that completing successfully.

For last resort troubleshooting where even the bootstrap.dat is failing, we have also provided a snapshot of the key folders in the ODIN data directory

To use the bootstrap.dat file, shut down your wallet or Masternode if it was already running, download, uncompress and move the file to the ODIN data directory, and start your wallet/Masternode. It will load the blockchain up to the last block contained in the bootstrap.dat file and then switch to loading blocks over the network.

Syncing the blockchain with the snapshot

  1. Shut down the wallet/Masternode.
  2. Delete the following folders: blocks, chainstate, sporks, and zerocoin.
  3. Download the snapshot, uncompress it, and replace the same folders into the ODIN data directory.
  4. Start your wallet/Masternode.

Notes on the above processes:

On Windows, 7zip is one option to uncompress .tar.gz files. Please note you have to run the file through 7zip twice--once to unzip the gzipped file into a tar file, and a second time opening the tar file to extract the individual folders and files it contains.

For OSX or Linux, after deleting the four folders listed above, you can copy the snapshot file into the ODIN data folder, navigate to that folder using Terminal, and uncompress it using the command tar zxvf ODINSnapshot.tar.gz


Pixxlated (Vaughn)
Itz (Pete)
Nondescript (Chris)
ODIN Society
ODIN Blockchain Community

Notes on macOS

If you are running anything above High Sierra (10.13) including Mojave or Catalina, you must download and use odin-1.6.6-osx-high-sierra.dmg. This is due to important library changes. The other option, OSX is for any macOS versions between 10.0 and 10.12 (Sierra).

v1.6.5 Testnet

28 Oct 19:05
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v1.6.5 Testnet Pre-release

v1.6.5 Testnet


All coins received or minted are usable only on the special Testnet of ODIN Blockchain which runs on port 12100 compared to Mainnet which runs on port 22100.


What is a Testnet Release?

Testnet releases are for testing upcoming features, enhancements, and/or bug fixes before releasing to the wider ODIN Blockchain community

Do I need to run this version?

This release is optional – Your participation, while welcome, is not a requirement. Using Testnet releases allows you to enjoy the first glance at an upcoming release for ODIN Blockchain. You can also help test out report any bugs encountered.

How can I access the Testnet?

  1. Download and install/run one of the official Testnet Releases below. These releases are configured to run in a testnet environment already.
  2. Configure your current Qt wallet to run in the Testnet Environment. This requires adding some specific settings to your configuration file odin.conf:

Then save your file and restart your wallet. It will detect the settings and setup accordingly. Your Mainnet wallet (wallet.dat) will remain safe and unaffected by this switch. All testnet related wallets/blockchain are stored in a separate folder called testnet4/.

How can I receive tØ / testnet ODIN coins?

Join one of our online social communities: RedditDiscordTelegramBTCTalk and ask!

How can I make sure I am on the ODIN Testnet?

At the bottom of the Qt wallet, and throughout the wallet itself, it will reference ODIN coins as tODIN. Additionally, addresses starting with a lowercase x represents a normal testnet ODIN address.

GUI Release

01 Oct 19:20
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ODIN Core version 1.4.2

Mainnet Release

ODIN Core v1.4.2 is the Mainnet GUI release of the ODIN Blockchain. Download the relevant release for your Operating System, and if you are unsure or unclear, please go ahead and ask in any of the official ODIN communities listed on our Github Wiki.

› ODIN Wallet - Github Issues

Welcoming Open Collaboration

Whether you are a creative, programmer, social media butterfly, or crypto hobbyist, you are invited to get involved with ODIN. If you are new, a good starting point is to join one of the official ODIN communities listed on our Github Wiki and chat with the people there to learn more.

GUI Pre-release

01 Oct 16:14
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GUI Pre-release Pre-release

Work in progress GUI Build for ODIN Blockchain.

ODIN Mainnet Release

28 Sep 16:58
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ODIN Mainnet Release Pre-release

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