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This guide will get you up and running on PowerVM server managed using HMC.

The playbooks will use the following projects:

  • ocp4-helpernode to set up an "all-in-one" node (called ocp4-helpernode), that has all the infrastructure/services in order to install OpenShift 4.
  • ocp4-playbooks to create the ignition and to monitor OCP installation progress and configure the cluster nodes as defined in vars.yaml.

This playbook will boot up all cluster node with lpar_netboot on HMC to bootp in order to install Red Hat CoreOS (RHCOS) to disk and reboot from RHCOS to run ignition to setup the RHCOS. Then it will install the OpenShift 4 cluster with 3 master nodes and 2 worker nodes on the RHCOS LPARs. After you run the playbook, you'll be ready to logon to the OpenShift cluster.

A lot of OpenShift 4 specific jargon is used throughout this doc, so please visit the official documentation page to get familiar with OpenShift 4.

This playbook assumes the following:

  1. You're on a network that has access to the internet.
  2. The network you're on does NOT have DHCP (or you can block your existing DHCP from responding to the MAC addresses used for the OpenShift LPARs).
  3. The ocp4-helpernode will be your Load Balancer/DHCP/TFTP/DNS/HTTP and NFS server for the OpenShift cluster.


It's important to note that you can delegate DNS to the ocp4-helpernode if you don't want to use it as your main DNS server. You will have to delegate $CLUSTERID.$DOMAIN to this helper node.

For example; if you want a $CLUSTERID of ocp4, and you have a $DOMAIN of Then you will delegate to this ocp4-helpernode.

Minimum resource requirements

Each LPAR must meet the minimum resource requirements

LPAR OS vCPU Memory Storage
Bastion/Helper RHEL 8.x 2 16GB 120GB
Bootstrap RHCOS 2 32GB 120GB
Master RHCOS 2 32GB 120GB
Worker RHCOS 4 32GB 120GB

NOTE Above is the minimum requirements, but below use real world value for creating the LPARs.

Create the Helper Node (ocp4-helpernode)

Create helper LPAR using the HMC GUI or HMC mksyscfg command. To start, ssh to your HMC host to use the CLI. You can also use the HMC GUI. The steps in these guide are specific to CLI.

  • 4 vCPUs (desired_procs)
  • 64 GB of RAM (desired_mem)
  • 120 GB HD (OS) + 880 GB HD (NFS)
$ mksyscfg -r lpar -m <managed_system> -i name=ocp4-helper, profile_name=default_profile, lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1, min_mem=8192, desired_mem=65536, max_mem=65536, proc_mode=shared, min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.4, max_proc_units=4.0, min_procs=1, desired_procs=4, max_procs=4, sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128, max_virtual_slots=64, boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1

NOTE Make sure you attach the LPAR to the appropriate network and add storage (HMC GUI or chsyscfg command) after successful LPAR creation.

Install RHEL 8 in this PowerVM LPAR.

After helper is up and running, configure it with correct network configurations based on your network:

  • IP - <helper_ip>
  • NetMask -
  • Default Gateway - <default_gateway>
  • DNS Server - <default_DNS>

Create Cluster Nodes

Create 6 LPARs using the HMC GUI or HMC mksyscfg command.


Create one bootstrap LPAR.

  • 2 vCPUs (desired_procs)
  • 32 GB of RAM (desired_mem)
  • 120 GB HD (OS)
$ mksyscfg -r lpar -m <managed_system> -i name=ocp4-bootstrap, profile_name=default_profile, lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1, min_mem=8192, desired_mem=32768, max_mem=32768, proc_mode=shared, min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.4, max_proc_units=4.0, min_procs=1, desired_procs=2, max_procs=4, sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128, max_virtual_slots=64, boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1

NOTE Make sure you attach the LPAR to the appropriate network and add storage (HMC GUI or HMC chsyscfg command) after successful LPAR creation. NOTE No OS installation is needed at this point.


Create the three master LPARs.

  • 2 vCPUs (desired_procs)
  • 32 GB of RAM (desired_mem)
  • 120 GB HD (OS)
$ for i in master{0..2}
  mksyscfg -r lpar -m <managed_system> -i name="ocp4-${i}", profile_name=default_profile, lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1, min_mem=32768, desired_mem=32768, max_mem=16384, proc_mode=shared, min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.2, max_proc_units=4.0, min_procs=2, desired_procs=2, max_procs=2, sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128, max_virtual_slots=64, boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1

NOTE Make sure you attach the LPARs to the appropriate network and add storage (HMC GUI or HMC chsyscfg command) after successful LPAR creation. NOTE No OS installation is needed at this point.


Create the two worker LPARs.

  • 4 vCPUs (desired_procs), more depending on the workload
  • 256 GB of RAM (desired_mem), more depending on the workload
  • 500 GB HD (OS), more depending on the workload
$ for i in worker{0..1}
  mksyscfg -r lpar -m <managed_system> -i name="ocp4-${i}", profile_name=default_profile, lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1, min_mem=16384, desired_mem=262144, max_mem=262144, proc_mode=shared, min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.8, max_proc_units=4.0, min_procs=1, desired_procs=4, max_procs=16, sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128, max_virtual_slots=64, boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1

NOTE Make sure you attach the LPARs to the appropriate network and add storage (HMC GUI or HMC chsyscfg command) after successful LPAR creation. NOTE No OS installation is needed at this point.

Get the Mac addresses of the LPAR from the HMC by running the following command:

$ for i in <managed_systems>
  lshwres -m $i -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar -F lpar_name,mac_addr

Or if using SRIOV's then run the following command:

$ for i in <managed_systems>
  lshwres -m $i -r sriov --rsubtype logport --level eth -F lpar_name,mac_addr

Prepare the Helper Node

After the helper node OS is installed; login to it

$ ssh root@<helper_ip>

NOTE For RHEL 8 you will need to enable rhel-8-for-ppc64le-baseos-rpms, rhel-8-for-ppc64le-appstream-rpms, and ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-ppc64le-rpms

Install EPEL

$ yum -y install$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm

Install ansible and git

$ yum -y install ansible git

Install firefox and X11 forwarding libs

$ yum -y install firefox xorg-x11-xauth dbus-x11

Set SELinux to permissive (If SELinux=disabled)

Change SELinux to permissive. The OpenShift installation fails if SELinux is disabled.

$ vi /etc/selinux/config # change "SELINUX=disabled" to "SELINUX=permissive"
$ grub2-mkconfig
$ reboot
$ getenforce

Download OpenShift pull secret

Create a place to store your pull-secret

$ mkdir -p ~/.openshift

Visit and select "Run on Power". Download your pull secret and save it under ~/.openshift/pull-secret

$ ls -1 ~/.openshift/pull-secret

NOTE Do not manual download the OpenShift client or installer packages from this Web Page, The required packages are downloaded automatically later by the playbook.

Create helper node user ssh public key

You can use ssh-keygen to create the users ssh public key (change "" to the users eMail address).

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "<>"
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ls -1 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Authorize password-less ssh for helper node user on HMC

Login to HMC as <hmc_user>.

Authorize password-less ssh with the command mkauthkeys and the public ssh key from the root user of the helper node

hmc_user@hmc_hostname:~> mkauthkeys -a "ssh-rsa <secret_content_of_/root/.ssh/> <>"

Check password-less ssh for helper node user on HMC

Login to helper node as root.

$ ssh hmc_user@hmc_hostname lshwres -m <managed_system> -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar -F lpar_name,mac_addr

Download all playbooks for the OpenShift installation

$ git clone
$ cd ocp4-upi-powervm-hmc/
$ git submodule sync; git submodule update --init 

Create installation variable file vars-powervm.yaml and inventory in ocp4-upi-powervm-hmc directory

Here are sample files, you can modify them or use following templates to create your own:

$ cp examples/vars-powervm.yaml .
$ cp examples/inventory .

⚠️ Make sure you update all <values> which are marked with "less than" and "greater than" chars in following inventory and vars-powervm.yaml file.

Template for inventory:

<helper.ipaddr> ansible_connection=local

Template for vars-powervm.yaml:


# Variables defined for used by ocp4-upi-powervm-playbooks
# pvm_hmc : The HMC host IP and user, it is used to run HMC CLI remotely, the helper need to be able to ssh to HMC without a password
pvm_hmc: <hmc_user>@<hmc_ip>

# OCP4 helper node variables
# Doc:
# pvmcec : The physical machine where the LPAR(node) is running on
# pvmlpar: The LPAR(node) name in HMC
### Note: pvmcec and pvmlpar are required for all cluster nodes defined in this yaml file
disk: sda
  name: "<ocp4-helper_hostname>"
  ipaddr: "<helper_ip>"
  domain: "<>"
  clusterid: "ocp4"
  forwarder1: "<existing_dns_1_ip>"
  forwarder2: "<existing_dns_2_ip>"
  router: "<router_ip_c_net>.1"
  bcast: "<router_ip_c_net>.255"
  netmask: ""
  poolstart: "<helper_ip>"
  poolend: "<worker2_ip>"
  ipid: "<router_ip_c_net>.0"
  netmaskid: ""
  name: "<ocp4-bootstrap_hostname>"
  ipaddr: "<bootstrap_ip>"
  macaddr: "<66:4a:9e:c9:ce:0b>"
  pvmcec: <managed_system>
  pvmlpar: ocp4-bootstrap
  - name: "<ocp4-master0_hostname>"
    ipaddr: "<master0_ip>"
    macaddr: "<66:4a:91:c9:28:0b>"
    pvmcec: <managed_system>
    pvmlpar: ocp4-master0
  - name: "<ocp4-master1_hostname>"
    ipaddr: "<master1_ip>"
    macaddr: "<66:4a:92:7a:57:0b>"
    pvmcec: <managed_system>
    pvmlpar: ocp4-master1
  - name: "<ocp4-master2_hostname>"
    ipaddr: "<master2_ip>"
    macaddr: "<66:4a:98:38:42:0b>"
    pvmcec: <managed_system>
    pvmlpar: ocp4-master2
  - name: "<ocp4-worker0_hostname>"
    ipaddr: "<worker0_ip>"
    macaddr: "<66:4a:97:c5:bb:0b>"
    pvmcec: <managed_system>
    pvmlpar: ocp4-worker0
  - name: "<ocp4-worker1_hostname>"
    ipaddr: "<worker1_ip>"
    macaddr: "<66:4a:94:9f:5f:0b>"
    pvmcec: <managed_system>
    pvmlpar: ocp4-worker1

# OCP 4 release to install
# Before changing check if new download location exists:
#{{ ocp_release }}/latest/
#{{ ocp_release }}/
ocp_release: 4.5

# The variables below should only be changed if needed.

ssh_gen_key: false
ppc64le: true

  deploy: false
  enabled: false
    - server:
      options: iburst
    - server:
      options: iburst

# URL path to OCP download site
ocp_base_url: ""
# RHCOS server for OCP
ocp_rhcos_base: "dependencies/rhcos/{{ ocp_release }}"
ocp_rhcos_tag: "latest"
ocp_bios: "{{ ocp_base_url}}/{{ ocp_rhcos_base }}/{{ ocp_rhcos_tag }}/rhcos-live-rootfs.ppc64le.img"
ocp_initramfs: "{{ ocp_base_url}}/{{ ocp_rhcos_base }}/{{ ocp_rhcos_tag }}/rhcos-live-initramfs.ppc64le.img"
ocp_install_kernel: "{{ ocp_base_url}}/{{ ocp_rhcos_base }}/{{ ocp_rhcos_tag }}/rhcos-live-kernel-ppc64le"
# Client/install for OCP
ocp_client_base: "clients/ocp"
ocp_client_tag: "stable-{{ ocp_release }}"
ocp_client: "{{ ocp_base_url}}/{{ ocp_client_base }}/{{ ocp_client_tag }}/openshift-client-linux.tar.gz"
ocp_installer: "{{ ocp_base_url}}/{{ ocp_client_base }}/{{ ocp_client_tag }}/openshift-install-linux.tar.gz"

helm_source: ""

# If "force_ocp_download: true" then download again all packages when calling playbook again
force_ocp_download: false

# End OCP4 helper node variables

# Variables used by ocp4-playbook
# Doc:
# pull_secret : pull-secret file for access openshift repo
# public_ssh_key: the public key for ssh to access the cluster nodes from helper
  cluster_domain: "{{ dns.domain }}"
  cluster_id: "{{ dns.clusterid }}"
  pull_secret: '{{ lookup("file", "~/.openshift/pull-secret") | from_json | to_json }}'
  public_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

# workdir : is the working directory for openshift-install
workdir: "~/ocp4-pvm"
# storage_type: <Storage type used in the cluster. Eg: nfs (Note: Currently NFS provisioner is not configured using this playbook. 
#                This variable is only used for setting up image registry to EmptyDir if storage_type is not nfs)> 
# log_level: <Option --log-level in openshift-install commands. Default is 'info'>
log_level: debug
# release_image_override: '<This is set to OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_RELEASE_IMAGE_OVERRIDE while creating ign files. 
#                           If you are using internal artifactory then ensure that you have added auth key to the pull_secret>'
release_image_override: ""
# node connection timeout
node_connection_timeout: 2700
# rhcos_kernel_options: <List of kernel options for RHCOS nodes eg: ["slub_max_order=0","loglevel=7"]>
rhcos_kernel_options: []
sysctl_tuned_options: false
enable_local_registry: "{{ setup_registry.deploy }}"
powervm_rmc: true

# setup the proxy server on bastion if set it to true
setup_squid_proxy: false

# using a predefined proxy server
#proxy_url: "<>"
#no_proxy: ",localhost,"
proxy_url: ""
no_proxy: ""

Run the playbook

Run the playbook to install the complete OpenShift 4 cluster

$ ansible-playbook  -e @vars-powervm.yaml playbooks/main.yaml

Check installation progress

On your laptop/workstation visit the OpenShift installation status page. If you use a laptop/workstation with X11 server and a ssh session with X11 forwarding to connect to the helper node, then you can also launch firefox from the helper node.

$ firefox http://<helper_ip>:9000

You'll see the bootstrap turn "green" and then the masters turn "green", then the bootstrap turn "red". Next all worker turn "green".

Also you can check all cluster node LPAR status in HMC's partition list view.

Watch your CSRs without stopping the playbook in another shell session on the helper node. These can take some time; go get come coffee or grab some lunch. You'll see all your nodes CSRs in "AVAILABLE=False" turning to "AVAILABLE=True".

$ watch oc get csr

Finish Install

Set the registry for your cluster

For PoCs, using emptyDir as image registry storage is ok (to use PVs follow this doc)

$ oc patch cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"storage":{"emptyDir":{}}, "managementState": "Managed"}}'

Delete the bootstrap LPAR

At this point you can stop and delete the bootstrap LPAR.

Login to the web console

The OpenShift 4 web console will be running at https://console-openshift-console.apps.{{ dns.clusterid }}.{{ dns.domain }} (e.g.

  • Username: kubeadmin
  • Password: the output of cat /root/ocp4-pvm/auth/kubeadmin-password


Your install should be done! You're a PowerVM/HMC master!




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