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What is ImGuiTestRef?

Most functions in the ImGuiTestContext API are taking a ImGuiTestRef argument in order to refer to an item/widget.

void ItemClick(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiMouseButton button = 0);

Typical usage:


A ImGuiTestRef is typically constructed implicitly from another type and:

  • can hold the named path to an item/window (when constructed from a const char*)
  • can hold the ID of an item/window (when constructed from a ImGuiID)

Using named paths is greatly convenient and open many possibilities.
The structure itself is pretty lightweight and straightforward (see its definition). Its short lifetime as function argument means it only holds a pointer to a string.

Basic Usage

Consider this GUI code:

if (ImGui::TreeNode("Node"))
    ImGui::Checkbox("Checkbox", &b);

In Test code, there are different ways to access the button and the checkbox with named paths:

ctx->ItemClick("//Window/Button");        // Absolute path to the button
ctx->ItemCheck("//Window/Node/Checkbox"); // Absolute path to the checkbox

Single forward slashes / are used as a natural delimitation for items in a path. Fun Fact: Because the underlying identifiers used by Dear ImGui are hashes of concatenated data, the single forward slashes are technically unnecessary (but absolutely recommended for readability):

ctx->ItemCheck("//WindowNodeCheckbox");   // Also works! (but not recommended: it is bizarre and harder to read!)

In case you need to refer to an item containing a slash in its name, you'll need to escape it using a backslash \. In the majority of programming languages, backslashes in literal strings themselves needs to be escaped, therefore needing two:

ctx->ItemClick("A\\/B");                  // Click item called "A/B"

Using SetRef() to set a Base Reference

In order to simplify testing code, it is common to use SetRef() to set Base Reference:

ctx->SetRef("//Window");                  // Relative paths after this will be based over "//Window".
ctx->ItemClick("Button");                 // Relative path to the button (from base provided to SetRef() call)
ctx->ItemCheck("Node/Checkbox");          // Relative path to the checkbox (from base provided to SetRef() call)
ctx->ItemClick("//Window/Button");        // Absolute path to the button

Although it will often be the case, the value passed to SetRef() doesn't necessarily has to be a window:


And this bizarre/unnatural example illustrate a property of the hashing:

ctx->ItemCheck("kbox");                   // Click "Window/Node/Checkbox" (bizarre and strongly discouraged!)

As a convenience, a signature variant of SetRef() can take ImGuiWindow*:

ImGuiWindow* some_window = ...;
ctx->SetRef(some_window);                 // Same as using ctx->SetRef(some_window ? some_window->ID : 0);

It is also provided because ctx->SetRef(some_window->Name) won't work on most child window... because they commonly include / in their name which will be treated as escape characters (will aim to change that in the main library).

Using the // prefix to ignore a Base Reference

By using a leading // in a named paths, the value set in SetRef() is ignored.

Consider this GUI code:

ImGui::Begin("Window 1");
ImGui::Button("Button 1");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Node"))
    ImGui::Checkbox("Checkbox", &b);

ImGui::Begin("Window 2");
ImGui::Button("Button 2");

And this test code:

// Default base reference is null so we can omit leading `//`
ctx->ItemClick("Window 1/Button 1");   // OK (relative path assuming SetRef() value is 0)
ctx->ItemClick("Window 2/Button 2");   // OK (relative path assuming SetRef() value is 0)

ctx->ItemClick("//Window 1/Button 1"); // OK (absolute path)
ctx->ItemClick("//Window 2/Button 2"); // OK (absolute path)

ctx->SetRef("Window 1");
ctx->ItemClick("Button 1");            // OK (relative path)
ctx->ItemClick("Button 2");            // INCORRECT (relative path will lead to "//Window 1/Button 2" which doesn't exist)
ctx->ItemClick("//Window 1/Button 1"); // OK (absolute path, unnecessary here but works)
ctx->ItemClick("//Window 2/Button 2"); // OK (absolute path)

As a special measure, all values passed to SetRef() are always considered absolute reference, never relative.
So those two statements are always equivalent, regardless of previous SetRef() calls:


Using the / prefix to get to the window of a Base Reference

This is very rarely used. But when using composite path, a leading single-slash / may be used to get to root of the window contained in the composite path:

ctx->ItemClick("/Button");                // Click "//Window/Button" 
ctx->ItemCheck("/Node/Checkbox");         // Same as above.
ctx->ItemCheck("Checkbox");               // Click "//Window/Node/Checkbox"
ctx->ItemCheck("//Window/Node/Checkbox"); // Same as above.

(As a future extension, we may add support for leading ../ sequences to move up one level in the Base Reference)

Using the //$FOCUSED prefix

By using a leading //$FOCUSED in a named path, it will be replaced by the name of the currently focused window.the currently focused window.

ctx->ItemClick("Open Popup");             // Click on a button to open a popup
ctx->SetRef("//$FOCUSED");                // Set our Base Reference as the newly focused window (assuming it is the popup)
ctx->ItemClick("OK");                     // Click OK in the popup
ctx->WindowClose("//$FOCUSED");           // Close the focused window

Important: using //$FOCUSED inside a SetRef() calls evaluate and locks the currently focused value at the time of the SetRef() call:

ctx->WindowFocus("Window 1");             // Focus window
ctx->SetRef("//$FOCUSED");                // Set Base Reference to "Window 1" ("//$FOCUSED" is evaluated this point)
ctx->ItemClick("Button 1");               // Click "//Window 1/Button 1"
ctx->WindowFocus("Window 2");             // Focus another window
ctx->ItemClick("Button 1");               // Click "//Window 1/Button 1" (NOT "//$FOCUSED/Button 1" which would be "//Window 2/Button 1");

// But outside of SetRef() it will be continuously reevaluated for each call:
ctx->ItemClick("//$FOCUSED/Button 1");    // INCORRECT: Click "//Window 2/Button 1"

Note that we INTENTIONALLY do not provide the equivalent //$HOVERED shortcut to refer to the window hovered by mouse. Why? Because it would be extremely fragile to use! While //$FOCUSED is technically subject to the same issue, it changes much less frequently and generally following explicit user actions. In our attempts to use //$HOVERED it led us to so much confusion and bugs we decided it wasn't worth it. You can however use:

IM_CHECK(g.Hoveredwindow != NULL);

Using **/ wildcards to search by full label

Consider this GUI code:


Instead of providing a full named path e.g. //Window/something/$$42/Button you may use the **/ wildcard system:


We specifically refer to "full label" because you cannot use this to do a partial match:

ctx->ItemClick("//Window/**utton");  // Will fail

You can use **/ to cross through child windows boundaries:

ctx->ItemClick("**/Button");          // OK. Will click "Button" in the child window.

Very useful: you can use **/ to find an item and then infer a window.

Using $$123 to easily encode integers in a string.

While many identifiers pushed in the Dear ImGui ID stack are strings, it is also common to push integers and pointers when displaying lists, tables and tree nodes.

// Submit 10 buttons
for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)

As a convenience we provide a syntax to encode numbers/literals into named paths:

ctx->ItemClick("//List/$$5/Button"); // Click the 6th button

An encoded literal must constitute the entirety of a section of the named path. //List/$$5something is incorrect and will error, whereas //List/$$5/something is correct. This is an exception to the suggestion above that single forward slash may be omitted.

Dear ImGui provides functions pushing pointer to the ID stack (e.g. PushID(void*), TreeNode(void*, const char* text)). We expect that using them will make things more complicated in term of accessing items by a unique path name. Out of completeness we however have way to encode pointers using the $$(type)value syntax:

MyNode* node = (MyMode*)0x1234FFFF;
ctx->ItemClick("//Window/$$(ptr)0x1234FFFF/Button"); // Click the button

Note that involving pointer in named paths is likely counterproductive. Some alternatives:

  • Use **/label wildcard search to find uniquely label items without knowing their full path.
  • Use queries such as ctx->GatherItems() to list and scan through items in a hierarchy.

Using WindowInfo() to easily access child windows

(FIXME: to write)

Accessing animated/localized ### identifiers.

Consider this GUI code:

ImGui::Button("ボタン###button1");     // Label is "ボタン", ID is "###button"

On Dear ImGui side, the ### operator is used to distinguish a visible label from its identifier. To refer to those identifiers you need to include the ### prefix in your named path:

ctx->ItemClick("button1");            // INCORRECT
ctx->ItemClick("###button1");         // OK
ctx->ItemClick("ボタン###button1");    // OK (but unnecessary)

This constraint may be lifted in the future (without endangering backward compatibility).

In contrast, there's nothing special to consider when using ## operator:

ImGui::Button("hello##button2");      // Label is "hello", ID is "hello##button"
ctx->ItemClick("hello##button2");     // OK. As per the definition of ##, the label is included in ID computation.