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omar edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

(Note: For users running tests interactively in GUI mode, the Test Engine UI (ImGuiTestEngine_ShowTestEngineWindows() function) allows you to browse, filter, run tests, inspect their log and tweaks options.)

Test results may be printed to TTY using the ImGuiTestEngine_PrintResultSummary() function.

Test results may be exported as junit XML file. To export test results in this format, configure test engine as follows:

ImGuiTestEngineIO& test_io = ImGuiTestEngine_GetIO(engine);
test_io.ExportResultsFile = "output_file.xml";
test_io.ExportResultsFormat = ImGuiTestEngineExportFormat_JUnitXml;

Results will be saved in specified output file and can be consumed by third party tools.

As a reference, the imgui_test_suite application (for testing Dear ImGui itself) uses -export-file and -export-format parameters to specify those on the command-line. You may want to adopt a similar approach in your application.

You may also call ImGuiTestEngine_ExportEx() in your code. Note however that registration in ImGuiTestEngineIO ensure that export is done if the application crashes.

Exporting on Crash

If your application has an existing crash handler, call ImGuiTestEngine_CrashHandler() from it to ensure results are exported if the application crashes. For result to be exported you need to fill test_io.ExportResultsFormat and test_io.ExportResultsFilename fields.

If your application doesn't have an existing crash handler, you may call ImGuiTestEngine_InstallDefaultCrashHandler() to register one which will call ImGuiTestEngine_CrashHandler().

Using JUnit with Jenkins

To display test statistics in Jenkins, follow these steps:

1. Make sure junit plugin is enabled.


2. Enable junit result publishing in project post-build actions.


3. Specify a path to XML output file.
