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Oscar Ciudad edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the sphinx-traceability-extension wiki!

Resuming activity... Due to several absurd reasons I practically abandoned this project as it was enough for my needs at that time (2016!!).

After some years proudly using it intensively in several projects it is time to finish what I started (well , software projects don't finish, I meant reaching v1.0).

During this time some interesting forks evolved quite well, noticeably the excellent Melexis one. Also another fully featured project extremely similar in its essential concept and interface (maybe got some inspiration from this tiny little extension??), sphinx-needs, reached a well deserved popularity.

So is it worth to take back to life this old extension? YES. Why? because of SIMPLICITY. I want this extension to be just a little more than it is today, with a very GENERIC and simple interface easy to understand, fully compatible at least with LatexPDF and HTML builders.

Basically the pending features are:

  • Metadata support in items. Mandatory since day 1.
  • Validators everywhere, to serve as a simple customization and extension mechanism.
  • Query directive and role.

Additionally, a good set of tests and a better set of useful examples.

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