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Releases: ocbe-uio/DIscBIO


06 Nov 10:45
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10 Oct 07:48
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Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1

DIscBIO universe 1.2.0

28 Apr 11:30
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This is a timewise match to the release of the DIscBIO R package version 1.2.0 on CRAN. The assets below contain the R package as well as all the other software/documents from this GitHub repo.

DIscBIO universe 1.1.0

13 Nov 10:38
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This is a timewise match to the release of the DIscBIO R package version 1.1.0 on CRAN. The assets below contain the R package as well as all the other software/documents from this GitHub repo.

DIscBIO universe 1.0.1

06 Oct 13:01
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This release is a timewise match to the release of the DIscBIO R package on CRAN. Please see the notes about release 1.0.0 concerning the differences between the R package and this release, which contains more assets such as the Jupyter-Binder notebook.

DIscBIO universe 1.0.0

27 Aug 11:07
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The files below contain a copy of the DIscBIO repository at the time of the release of version 1.0.0 of the DIscBIO package in R (see CRAN repository for details).

These files are not identical to those available on CRAN, but they are a superset of them. In other words, the files below contain the R package plus the files listed in .Rbuildignore, i.e. some auxiliary files and spin-off software such as the Binder notebook and the vignette. They are, however, identical to those tagged by the Digital Object Identifier 10.5281/zenodo.4003743.