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erikmd committed Dec 21, 2021
1 parent d511d58 commit ad479f4
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Showing 2 changed files with 181 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/
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<!-- You can remove all the check-boxes that are not applicable. -->

* [ ] Read the []( guide and:
* [ ] Use [Atomic Commits]( so each commit gathers a single logical change
* [ ] Use [Conventional Commits]( regarding commit messages (needed by our release toolchain)
* [ ] Read the []( guide and:
* [ ] Use [Atomic Commits]( so each commit gathers a single logical change
* [ ] Use [Conventional Commits]( regarding commit messages (needed by our release toolchain)
* [ ] Add/update [tests](
<!-- if the change impacts the grading feature. -->
* [ ] Add/update [documentation](
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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# Contribution Guide for Learn-OCaml

Thanks for considering contributing to the Learn-OCaml project!

The guidelines below summarize the main conventions involved in the
development of Learn-OCaml.

## Issues

Bug reports and feature requests are very welcome. They are tracked as
GitHub issues, using various [labels](

First, search if a related issue already exists in the
[`ocaml-sf/learn-ocaml` bug tracker](

Otherwise, you can open a new issue using one of the
[issue forms](

## Pull Requests

In the sequel, we assume you are familiar with [Git](

We use pull requests to review bug fixes and new features.

If the underlying bug or feature request has not been reported
beforehand, it can be a good idea to open an issue first (unless it is
a minor one).

Then, you can state in this issue that you are working on a fix and/or
discuss the design of the implementation with Learn-OCaml maintainers.

Next, you may want to read the documentation regarding
[How to set up your development environment](

### Branches Conventions

Pull Requests should be created from a feature branch (≠ `master`),
typically from a fork of
[`ocaml-sf/learn-ocaml`](, and
target the `master` branch.

If you need to fix merge conflicts, we generally prefer that you
rebase your branch on
rather than creating a merge commit.

### Atomic Commits

Borrowing some suggestions of the
[Git Style Guide](, ideally:

> * Each commit should be a single *logical change*.
> Don't make several *logical changes* in one commit.
> For example, if a patch fixes a bug and optimizes the performance of a feature, split it into two separate commits.
> * Don't split a single *logical change* into several commits.
> For example, the implementation of a feature and the corresponding tests should be in the same commit.
In particular, please avoid to reformat lines you need not touch for a
given *logical change*, in order to make code review easier.

Thus, the Learn-OCaml maintainers may suggest you adapt the commits of your PR
(using [`git rebase -i`]( and `git push -f`)
to better comply with these suggestions as well as with the [Conventional Commits](#conventional-commits) guidelines below.

However, these conventions can be somewhat lifted if the Pull Request
is intended to be "squashed" in a single commit, as the maintainer
could refine the squashed-commit message in this case (cf. the
[Learn-OCaml maintainers wiki](

### Conventional Commits

The commits messages should follow the [Conventional Commits specification](

This is necessary as Learn-OCaml relies on the
[`release-please`]( tool to
automatically generate the [``](./ and the
[Release Notes](,
assuming [Semantic Versioning](

To sum up, each commit message contains a header, a body, and a footer, with the following structure:

<i><b>type</b>[optional <b>scope</b>]</i><b>: <i>description</i></b>
<i>[optional <b>body</b>]</i>
<i>[optional <b>footers</b>]</i>


* ***`type`*** is one of the <a href="#conventional-commits-types">conventional commits types</a> (`feat`, `fix`, …); an exclamation mark after the type denotes a non-backward-compatible change (e.g., <code>refactor<b>!</b>: Use ocamlformat</code>)
* ***`scope`*** is a keyword *between parentheses* providing more context on the impacted part of the project (e.g.: API, grader, UI, dune, make, opam, docker, GHA, or just a given **)
* ***`description`*** is a mandatory summary (typically starting with a verb in imperative, present tense), with no period in the end; it should be short but informative, just like an e-mail subject line.
* ***`body`*** is an optional body, useful to explain *why* the change is necessary or has been implemented this way.
* several kinds of ***`footers`*** can be provided:
* References that auto-close issues → `Fix #1` or `Close #1` [(online doc)](
* References to commits or issues → `Related: #1` or mere URLs [(online doc)](
* A Conventional Commits footer → <code>BREAKING CHANGE: <i><b>description</b></i></code>
(which plays the same role as the <code><b><i>type</i>!</b></code> suffix mentioned above)
* A co-authorship footer → `Co-authored-by: First Last <>` [(online doc)](
* Or any footer following the usual [Git trailers convention](

### Conventional Commits Examples

Here are two example commit messages:

* [`7e389ef`]( (this commit was obtained after squash-merging [PR #434](
feat(release.yml): Add a (3 jobs)-based GHA using release-please
* Use var `OPAM_RELEASE` (GitHub PAC)
* Use `expect` to workaround the fact that the feature wish
is not yet available.
Co-Authored-By: Yann Régis-Gianas <>
Co-Authored-By: Erik Martin-Dorel <>
* [`35941b5`](, reworded (this commit was part of [PR #448](
fix(grader): Display negative numbers with mandatory parens
* Thanks @letouzey for reporting this issue and suggesting a fix
* Update some learn-ocaml-client tests accordingly
Fix #440

### Conventional Commits Types

As specified in commit [`87bb9b5`](, the table below summarizes the commit types (lowercase prefixes before a colon) that are recognized by [the `release-please` GitHub Action](

| commit type | `CHANGELOG` section title | Comments |
| `feat` | Features | Add a new feature (use `feat!` if it is non-backward compatible) |
| `fix` | Bug Fixes | Patch a bug |
| `revert` | Reverts | Revert commit (include that commit header, SHA1, and motivation) |
| `perf` | Performance Improvements | Change code to improve performance |
| `refactor` | Code Refactoring | Change code without adding a feature nor fixing a bug |
| `deps` | Dependencies | Change external dependencies (e.g., for scopes opam, docker) |
| `build` | Build System | Change the build system (e.g., for scopes dune, make, docker) |
| `test` | Tests | Add missing tests or correct existing tests |
| `ci` | CI/CD | Change the CI/CD configuration |
| `docs` | Documentation | Change documentation only |
| `style` | Style | (hidden by default) Change code without affecting its meaning (white-space, formatting, semi-colons or so) |
| `chore` | Miscellaneous Chores | (hidden by default) Change files unrelated to code, tests, docs, build or ci config |

See also:

* [Conventional Commits v1.0.0 Summary](
* [Angular's Commit Message Format](
* [Semantic Versioning](

## Documentation and tests

All contributed code and comments should be written in English.

If you change `.mli` interface files, make sure you also update the
[`(** ocamldoc comments *)`](
accordingly (see also [this page](

If your contribution contains user-facing changes, it can be a good
idea to also update the Learn-OCaml documentation stored in the

If your contribution (whether a fix or an enhancement) impacts the
grading feature, make sure you also update the test suite stored in the

## Licensing

Contributions to this repository are placed under the [MIT]( license.

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