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Oak 3.0 Changelog

Patrick Stephen edited this page Oct 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

This document details all changes between oak v2.5.0 and oak v3.0.0.


  • Throughout the project, tests have been expanded, and use of has been removed.
  • Throughout the project, errors returned by packages are more regularly errors from the oakerr package.
  • Reduced verbosity of all packages. Unnecessary logs have been removed throughout the codebase
  • Several functions which previously logged or ignored errors now return them.
  • When a type, function, or variable was named Def$ before, it is now named Default$.
  • Utilities or types that were unused or trivial to implement have been removed.
  • Global state variables have been adjusted so that they are used less often, and specifically less often without specifically invoking them or invoking package level functions instead of one's own created variables. They still exist, as in small examples or prototypes they are convenient, and some closer to the OS level are still always used and unexposed for user manipulation.
  • The Gopkg.lock and Gopkg.toml files, used for dep, have been removed. Dep has been deprecated and archived.

New Subpackages

Several of these new packages are former dependencies that were brought into oak. This was motivated by the number of additional steps it took to manage propagating bug fixes from within these dependencies back to oak. By moving them here, we remove needing to cut new releases of the dependencies and needing to update oak's go module files for the new version.


  • New package, handling the interface between scene and oak.Window.


  • New package, contains common debug helper functions like rendering collision trees and printing mouse position.


  • New package, a port of from
  • Oak programs shouldn't need to directly interact with shiny other than to decide which driver to use, if not using the default.
  • Darwin, Linux, and Windows default drivers now at approximate feature parity.


  • New package split from oak/shake.go, can generically shake screens and any entity that can be positioned.


  • New package, a port of, representing ranges of colors, integers, and floats.


  • has been ported here.

Major Changes to Subpackages



  • Added Config.IdleDrawFrameRate, controlling how often the screen will redraw when it does not have focus.
  • Added the Window type, containing old package globals and enabling running multiple oak windows simultaneously.
  • Most public functions in the package are now methods on Windows, in addition to default oak.<Method> helpers, which will redirect to a default window.
  • We now propagate the event.FocusLoss and event.FocusGain events on appropriate window changes.
  • Mouse events now trigger both an absolute and Relative event, the latter taking into account the viewport position.
  • Added HideCursor, ShowNotification, and SetTrayIcon window methods.
  • Added UpdateViewSize, to enable resizing the rectangle rendered within the client window.
  • Added SkipRNGSeed to Config, a setting which will skip calling math/rand.Seed if set.
  • Added Window.DoBetweenDraws, which will confine a function to be called in between screen draws.


  • Screen.Scale is now a float64 instead of an int.
  • SetBinaryPayload(func(...), func(...)) is now SetFS(fs.FS).
  • Config.EventRefreshRate can now be properly unmarshaled from JSON.
  • Config creation and loading has been overhauled, using NewConfig and functional option loaders, FileConfig and ReaderConfig
  • The draw loop has been substantially simplified.
  • Backgrounds can now be any type that have GetRGBA() *image.RGBA, enabling complex or animating backgrounds.
  • Init now takes in a variadic set of ConfigOptions, so patterns that used to setup config, then oak.Init(scene) now will look like oak.Init(scene, func() {setup config}).
  • Key events now have a key.Event payload instead of a string payload.
  • Joystick is now InputTypeJoystick.
  • KeyboardMouse is now InputTypeKeyboardMouse.
  • trackInputChanges now propagates InputChange events.
  • The engine will more reliably exit with a clean error if it cannot proceed during initialization.


  • Assets no longer contains an AssetPath or a FontPath.
  • The Font config type has been removed. Non-default fonts must be manually loaded outside of a base oak config, with a full asset path. This change emphasizes the built in nature of the default font and the reality of font configuration that the color, dpi, and hinting of a font is not often customizable from an end user's perspective.
  • Setup... constants have been removed and folded into the Config struct.
  • Shiny gestures are no longer supported at the input loop layer, as they were fundamentally unused. This may be revisited.
  • Keybindings have been removed as they did not cooperate well with other key refactoring. This will be revisited.
  • Language constants have moved to oakerr.
  • SeedRNG is no longer public, and no longer logs excessively.
  • Removed Add, preferring AddScene.
  • Debug console functionality has been moved to debugstream.
  • Shake functionality has moved to entities/x/shake.



  • The Cache type has been introduced to handle file loading and caching. Several loading functions have changed to work with this new type and the DefaultCache global variable.
  • DefFont has been renamed to DefaultFont.
  • DefPlay has been renamed to DefaultPlay.
  • Fixed a bug in blank audio loading where the provided "blank" audio was invalid PCM.


  • The FontManager type has been removed. It was not frequently used and can be trivially introduced as a standalone package.
  • Channels, signals, and channel managers have been removed. They were tricky to use correctly and designed toward a specific game, not used by any games since.
  • GetSounds has been removed.



  • Added PhaseCollisionWithBus.
  • Added Space.SetZLayer(float64).


  • DefTree has been renamed DefaultTree.
  • Attach now takes a *Tree argument, and no longer binds to priority -1.
  • PhaseCollision now takes a single *Tree which can be nil instead of a variadic set.
  • NewTree now takes no arguments and cannot error. The old NewTree with custom node sizes has been renamed to NewCustomTree.
  • Fixed a bug where With would return nil spaces.
  • Moved CallOnHits to be a method on a Tree.
  • ReactiveSpace can now take in a Tree, and its methods are concurrent safe.
  • CID is now IDTypeCID.
  • PID is now IDTypePID.


  • NewEmptyReactiveSpace has been removed.
  • Space.String() has been removed.



  • Log strings used by oak are now exposed as constants in this package.
  • SetOutput has been added, replacing FileWrite and CreateLogFile.
  • Exposed DefaultLogger, replacing SetLogger.


  • SetDebugFilter has been renamed SetFilter.
  • Log filters are now generic functions: func(string) bool, instead of picking between regex matching and strings.Contains.
  • The Logger and FullLogger interfaces are now combined.
  • SetDebugLevel has been renamed SetLogLevel.


  • CreateLogFile has been removed.
  • Warn has been removed.
  • SetLogger has been removed.
  • Logger.GetLogLevel has been removed. Its hard to imagine a scenario where you would want to query the current log level other than to update it to be more or less verbose-- just set the desired verbosity.
  • FileWrite has been removed.



  • Added TriggerCIDBack.
  • Added the Empty helper, for when a Bindable does not care about its arguments or return value.


  • Enter events now take an EnterPayload, containing total frames, duration since last frame, and proportionally how that duration compares to the expected average tick duration.
  • event Buses now take a CallerMap reference.
  • Bus.ResolvePending has been renamed to Bus.ResolveChanges.
  • The global caller list is now represented by the CallerMap type.
  • Many methods that used to be optional in a Handler are now required.
  • GlobalBind and Bind now take string, Bindable as their argument order, formerly Bindable, string. We felt Bind(EventName, func(){}) read better, especially with larger functions.
  • Bindables now accept CID, interface{} instead of int, interface{}.


  • Event bindings in the built in bus no longer support priority levels, as they were virtually unused.



  • The Cache type has been introduced to handle file loading and caching. Several loading functions have changed to work with this new type and the DefaultCache global variable.
  • Fonts can now be provided fallback fonts, which they will try to use to render characters that would be rendered as an undefined character
  • Added ToSprite to CompositeR.


  • Fonts now more accurately determine which elements of a font are undefined runes, e.g. a kanji character in a roman alphabet font.
  • Font and FontGenerators have had their interface significantly adjusted to simplify creation and reduce accidental persistence of one font's qualities or pointer to secondary fonts.
  • Fonts are now copied several times as they are passed around, to enforce that the same font is not used to draw two pieces of text at once, which can panic.
  • Font.Generate can now return an error.
  • Texts are now drawn from the top left, like all other Renderables.
  • Batch loading has been rewritten. Alias json files are no longer supported. Individual file names can now hint to the batch loading system that they are a sheet with a particular sheet size, and this will supercede a hint coming from their containing directory. Directories and files now must end in explicitly %dx%d e.g. window64x64.png or /tiles32x32/ to be caught and automatically cached as sheets.
  • The Polygon type now uses floatgeom.Polygon2.
  • OverlaySprites takes a slice of pointers instead of structs.
  • ShinyOverwrite has been renamed to OverwriteImage.
  • ShinyDraw has been renamed to DrawImage.
  • Stackables have been changed to an interface that can be externally used, by removing private methods.
  • Stackables now have a Clear method.
  • FPS types are now Renderables instead of Stackables.
  • DefFont is now DefaultFont.
  • DrawToScreen now accepts a *intgeom.Point2 for the viewport position.
  • NewStrText is now NewText, the old NewText now NewStringerText.


  • Noisebox has been removed.
  • Scrollbox has been removed.
  • DrawOffset on Renderables has been removed and Draw has taken on its arguments (x and y offsets).
  • Font.DrawString has been privatized.
  • ParseSubSprite has been removed.
  • LoadSprites has been removed.
  • SetFontDefaults has been removed.
  • LoadSpriteAndDraw has been removed.
  • ShinySet has been removed.
  • DrawForTime has been removed (moved to a scene context method).
  • Draw polygons have been removed.
  • FontManager has been removed.
  • Deprecated methods have been removed.

Minor Changes to Subpackages


  • RemainingWeights has been renamed to CumulativeWeights, and the old CumulativeWeights function has been removed.


  • Added the Polygon2 type.


  • Removed String methods from all entities.


  • Added Destroy to Btn.
  • DisallowRevert is now flipped to AllowRevert.
  • Added the Label(collision.Label) option.


  • Now accepts *scene.Contexts.


  • Adds the Lighter utility to return a lighter version of a color.


  • Many new examples have been added and most existing examples have been adjusted.
  • Removed the cliffracers example.


  • This package has been stripped down to just be an exposed FS fs.FS, a couple configuration options, and the Open, ReadFile, and ReadDir functions.


  • Stick changes can be isolated to only propagate if they exceed a deadzone threshold.


  • Added the State type, encompassing key down/up/held states.


  • Added the Binding helper, converting a weakly typed interface{} payload into a *Event type.
  • DefTree has been renamed to DefaultTree.
  • Buttons are now strongly typed.
  • Mouse bindings now accept a *Event instead of a Event.
  • Event now has a StopPropagation boolean which, when set, will stop mouse collision spaces beneath the one triggered on from receiving the event.
  • Mouse gestures, unused, have been removed, for now.


  • Errors now can be formatted to multiple languages.
  • Several redundant error types have been removed.


  • All Vector methods now modify Vectors in place. (#115)


  • gift.Resampling is now aliases as the local Resampling type.


  • Added the Allocator type to contain particle allocation requests.
  • Allocators can now be stopped.


  • Scene start functions now take in (*scene.Context) as their only argument, a new struct containing everything a scene should need to render, bind, modify the window, etc.
  • Added DoAfter, DoAfterContext, and DrawForTime to Context.


  • FPSToDuration has been renamed to FPSToFrameDelay.
  • Added FrameDelayToFPS.
  • Removed DynamicTicker, the standard library *time.Ticker type supports our use case for these since Go 1.15.
  • Removed DoAfter and DoAfterContext, moved to scene package.