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Nyris Image Matching SDK for iOS


Nyris Image Matching SDK for iOS (NyrisSDK) allows the usage of ImageMatching service that provides a list of products from a given image.

For more information please see


  • Built in camera manager class.
  • Provides 100% matching for taken pictures products.
  • Provides textual search.
  • Provides Bounding box extraction from a picture.
  • Image helper to manipulate raw camera images.

Minimal requirements

  • Swift 5.x
  • Minimum deployment target is iOS 12.

Note: for swift 4.x please use 'feature/swift4.x' branch -- Unsupported Note: for swift 3.2 please use 'feature/swift3.2' branch -- Unsupported


Swift Package Manager

Nyris Image Matching SDK (NyrisSDK) is available through Swift package manager. To install it, simply add the following line to your dependency array in your Package file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.4.6"))


Nyris Image Matching SDK (NyrisSDK) is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "NyrisSDK"

For swift 3.2

pod 'NyrisSDK', :git => '', :branch => 'feature/swift3.2'


Write the following on your Cartfile: github "nyris/Nyris.IMX.iOS"


Copy *.swift files to your project.


Start by setting up your NyrisClient shared instance:

NyrisClient.instance.setup(clientID: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID")

If you need to change the endpoints url (e.g proxy) you can pass an object that conforms to EndpointsProvider protocol as second parameter to setup:

struct CustomEndpoint : EndpointsProvider {
    var openIDServer: String = ""
    var imageMatchingServer: String = ""
    var apiServer: String = ""

NyrisClient.instance.setup(clientID: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID", endpointProvider: CustomEndpoint())

This will allow you to use the same API endpoints defined on nyris API but on a different domain.

In case you changed the headers in your proxy you can provide a mapping using HeaderMapper protocol:

struct CustomMapping : HeaderMapper {
    private let mapping = [
        "api_key" : "APIKEY_IN_PROXY_HEADER"
    public func getKey(mappedKey: String) -> String? {
        return mapping[mappedKey]
NyrisClient.instance.setup(clientID: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID", endpointProvider: CustomEndpoint(), headerEntriesMapper:CustomMapping )



ImageMatchingService service allows you to get a list of offers that matches a product in a provided image.

Basic example:

let service = ImageMatchingService()
let image = ... // YOUR UIImage (at least 512 width or height)

service.getSimilarProducts(image: image) { (offersResult, error) in
// you are on the main thread

It will return OffersResult that has a list of products that matches the objects in the given image.

If you don't want to deal with image scaling/rotating, you can use the match method, it will prepare the given image for you, e.g :

let service = ImageMatchingService()
let image = ... // YOUR UIImage (e.g: 1024x1024)

// The match method will create a scaled down (512x512) image copy
service.match(image: image) { (offerList, error) in
// you are on the main thread

In case you are taking a picture from the camera, you can use the match method to correctly rotate and scale the image by enabling useDeviceOrientation parameter, e.g:

let service = ImageMatchingService()
let image = ... // UIImage coming from camera

// The image will be rotated to portrait mode and scaled down
service.match(image: image, useDeviceOrientation:true) { (offerList, error) in
// you are on the main thread

If you are using UIImageView, an extension method is available:

imageView.match { (offerList, error) in
    // you are on the main thread

Note: Make sure you set your SDK client before calling any UIImageView extension methods.

Search type

Both getSimilarProducts and match method allow different type of search through their parameters:

  • isSemanticSearch: enable MESS search only
  • isFirstStageOnly: enable exact match

Offers format

The default output format is set to "application/offers.complete+json", you can change it by using:

service.outputFormat = "Your output format"

Additional Header Attributes

There are additional header attributes you can use to change the results.

service.xOptions = "default"

You can find all the additional header attributes here.

Result language

By default, the service will look for the offers for all available languages. You can override this behavior by setting:

service.acceptLanguage = "EN" //"DE", "FR" ...

To set it to the device language :

service.acceptLanguage = (Locale.current as NSLocale).object(forKey: .languageCode) as? String ?? "*"

Important note: the provided image must have width or height at equal to least 512, e.g : 512x400, 200x512. See ImageHelper section for more info.

Filtering a request

To filter the result of image matching service, you need to fill the filters property as follow:

let service = ImageMatchingService()
service.filters = [
    NyrisSearchFilter(type: "filter-type", values: ["value-1", "value-2", "value-3"]),

NyrisSearchFilter is a structure that can hold the filter type and a list of values. To get the filters (type and values) please contact costumer support.

Textual search


SearchService service allows you to get a list of offers that matches a textual query.


let service = SearchService() "water") { (offerList, error) in

It will return OffersResult that has a list of products that matches the query.

Offers format

The default output format is set to "application/offers.complete+json", you can change it by using:

service.outputFormat = "Your output format"

Additional Header Attributes

There are additional header attributes you can use to change the results.

service.xOptions = "default"

You can find all the additional header attributes here.

Result language

By default, the service will look for offers for all available languages. You can override this behavior by setting:

service.acceptLanguage = "EN" //"DE", "FR" ...

To set it to the device language :

service.acceptLanguage = (Locale.current as NSLocale).object(forKey: .languageCode) as? String ?? "*"

Bounding Boxes Extraction


ProductExtractionService service allows you to extract objects bounding boxes for a given image. It will identify objects in the picture.

Basic example:

let service = ProductExtractionService()
let image = ... // Your UIImage (at least 512 width or height)
let displayFrame = displayView.frame

service.extractObjects(from image:image, displayFrame:displayFrame) { (boxes, error) in
// Main thread

This will return a list of ExtractedObject extracted from the given image, and already projected to the displayFrame. It can be directly displayed on screen without any further manipulation.

If you are using UIImageView, an extension method is available:

imageView.extractProducts { (objects, error) in
    // you are on the main thread

The method support all contentMode value that does not modify the image aspect ratio, e.g:

  • .scaleAspectFit
  • .scaleAspectFill
  • .center

Notice that in case of .center or .scaleAspectFill, you may have boxes with out of screen origin.


To crop an image region based on ExtractedObject, use :

let croppedImage = ImageHelper.crop(from: self.imageView,
                                        extractedObject: box)

You can then send this croppedImage image to the matching service.

Important ! The imageView.image must be the same image used to extract the boxes without any size modification. The box should be already projected to the screen. if you want to crop boxes that were not projected (original API result) please see ImageHelper cropping section.

Flexible usage

If you don't want any modifications (projections) to the result from the server, use getExtractObjects:

let service = ProductExtractionService()
let image = ... // YOUR UIImage (at least 512 width or height)

service.getExtractObjects(from: image) { (objects, error) in
// Main thread

This example will return a list of ExtractedObject extracted from the given image. These cannot be displayed on the screen without projecting the regions from the image frame (0,0,image.width, image.height) to the desired display frame.

You can project an ExtractedObject to a display frame using :

let box:ExtractedObject = // Your extracted object
let extractionFrame = CGRect(origin:, size: imageSource.size)
let displayFrame:CGRect = // e.g: UIImageView frame
let projectedObject = box.projectOn(projectionFrame: displayFrame,
                                    from: extractionFrame)

Important notes:

The provided image must have width or height at equal to least 512, e.g : 512x400, 200x512.

See ImageHelper section for more info on how to project ExtractedObject region to a different frame.

Feedback API

Using the Request ID (from OffersResult) and the FeedbackService, you can submit multiple events to our analytics engine. You will find the list of supported events in the enum NyrisFeedbackEventType.

Send a feedback event

let feedbackService = FeedbackService()

// offersResult is returned from matching service.
feedbackService.sendEvent(eventType: .click(positions: [0], productIds: [offersResult.products[0].oid]),
                          requestID: offersResult.requestID,
                          sessionID: offersResult.sessionID){ (result:Result<String>) in 
    // Result will contain empty string in case of success.

Note about requestID You can get a requestID when you send a request from Matching service, it will be part of the OffersResult object.

Note about sessionID This represent the first request ID sent by the user, it can be available in OffersResult returned by the matching service. If you don't want to group multiple requests into one session, sessionID can be the same as requestID.

Note about region event type: region will accept a CGRect that should be normalized (0-1), if the CGRect associated with .region enum is not normalized the .sendEvent will return an InvalidInput error in the callback's result.

Camera Usage

NyrisSDK has a built in Camera class that provide image capturing functionality. You can also use your own camera implementation.

Use the following code to create CameraManager instance

Setup Camera Manager

lazy var cameraManager: CameraManager = {
    let configuration = CameraConfiguration(metadata: [],
    captureMode: .none, sessionPresent: SessionPreset.high)

    return CameraManager(configuration: configuration)

Request usage permission

Then, request the Camera usage permission, and display the camera view when permission is granted:

if cameraManager.permission != .authorized {

Display camera preview

if cameraManager.permission == .authorized {
    // Display the preview of the camera along with a rect of intrest for scanning.
    cameraManager.display(on: cameraView, scannerFrame: scanView.frame)

You must unsubscribe using:


Get Barcode and other metadata

You can get the barcode using the camera manager by setting barcodeScannerDelegate delegate:

cameraManager = CameraManager(configuration: configuration)
cameraManager.barcodeScannerDelegate = self

Subscribe to device rotation

If you want the video preview and the image to be rotated when device rotation change, set the camera manager optional useDeviceRotation to true

if cameraManager.permission != .authorized {
    /// ...
} else {
    cameraManager.setup(useDeviceRotation: true)
    /// ...

Start a session

To start the camera session, call the following method:


Capture image

Finally, take a picture by calling the following method:

cameraManager.takePicture { [weak self] image in
    // handle the picture

Stop a session

When you are not using the camera any more, or if the app is in background mode, call stop method:


Permission update

The camera usage permission can be changed by the user at any time, to handle this, you need to conform to CameraAuthorizationDelegate protocol.

class CameraController  {

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        /// code
        self.cameraManager.authorizationDelegate  = self

extension CameraController : CameraAuthorizationDelegate {

    func didChangeAuthorization(cameraManager: CameraManager, authorization: SessionSetupResult) {
        switch authorization {
        case .authorized:
            if self.cameraManager.isRunning == false {
            self.cameraManager.display(on: self.cameraView)
            ///showError(message: "Please authorize camera access to use this app"

Important note: Make sur to add NSCameraUsageDescription Or Privacy - Camera usage description to your plist file. Otherwise your app will crash if you try to access the camera on iOS 10 or above.

Important Note: If you are using CameraManager, you don't need to worry about the next section.

Image Helper

The API require an image with at least one size equal to 512, e.g : 512x200, 400x512.

The pictures taken with CameraManager class are automatically scaled and properly oriented, so if you are using that class, you don't have to worry about image size and rotation.

If you are using your own Camera logic, or another third party camera library, NyrisSDK provide a ImageHelper class that provide methods to scale and rotate image.

Important note: Image taken from the iPhone Camera, are in landscape by default, ImageHelper provide a way to correct the orientation.

Prepare Image

The prepare method abstract the resizing and rotating of an camera image, you can use it as follow:

let (preparedImage, error) = ImageHelper.(image:cameraImage,  useDeviceOrientation:true)

This will return a tuple containing the prepared image and an error, both nullable. so make sure that the method didn't fail. The prepared image will be scaled and rotated.

If you want more flexibility, you can read the following sections.

Rotate Image

Since the default rotation is landscape, you should rotate the image to your current orientation, to do so, call:

/// imageData is type of Data
/// useDeviceOrientation, to rotate the image based on device orientation
let image = ImageHelper.correctOrientation(imageData, useDeviceOrientation:true)

This will return, a rotation corrected image.

Resize Image

To resize an image to the preferred 512 size (more info), please call the following method:

// This method will use target pixel-area to resize the image to while keeping aspect ratio.
// It guarantee that one side is 512.
ImageHelper.resizeWithRatio(image: image, size: CGSize(width: 512, height: 512))

the ImageHelper.resizeWithRatio method, will rely on target pixel-area to resize the image to the provided size, while keeping the aspect ratio.

Bounding boxes projection

If you send ProductExtractionService an 512x900 image, the service will return ExtractedObject that identify object in the image dimension (512x900), let's suppose that we got a bounding box :

  • x : 30
  • y: 40
  • width: 100
  • height: 140

This value will not be correct if projected on device screen, to correctly display this boxes on the device screen we need to project the bounding box to screen dimension using:

let scaledRectangle = ImageHelper.applyRectProjection(
            on: self, // 1
            from: baseFrame, // 2
            to: projectionFrame, // 3
            padding: 0, // 4
            navigationHeaderHeight: 0) //5
  1. The rectangle we want to project on a different frame.
  2. The frame that we want to project from : e.g : (0,0, image.width, image.height)
  3. The frame that we want to project to : a UIImageView frame
  4. Padding if needed.
  5. Navigation header if needed to avoid unnecessary Y offset.

This will return a bounding box ready to be displayed on the device screen.

Bounding boxes cropping

If you have an ExtractedObject projected on an UIImageView (or any other view), you can crop using :

let crop = ImageHelper.crop(from: self.imageView,
                                        extractedObject: box)

If you did request ExtractedObject using getExtractObjects method, and you want to crop without any projection use :

let rect = box.region.toCGRect()
let crop =  ImageHelper.crop(image: image, croppingRect: rect)