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Reactome Nursa Service

The Reactome Nursa service provides the following REST end points:

  • search - Searches for a term in the dataset DOI, name and description

  • dataset - Fetches dataset content


  1. Clone this Git repository.

  2. Install Maven.

  3. Install and configure Solr as described in the Reactome search-indexer repository.

  4. Obtain a Nursa API key from

  5. Define$HOME/.m2/settings.xml Maven profiles that set the access authorization properties 1, e.g.:

             <!-- Solr authorization -->
             <!-- The Nursa Solr core host name. -->
             <!-- The Nursa REST API access key. -->
  6. Build the .war file:

     mvn clean package -U -P solr,nursa
  7. Copy the .war file to tomcat:

     cp target/Nursa.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps

    where $TOMCAT_HOME is the tomcat deployment location.

  8. The REST service can then be called by the Nursa Reactome Portal.

  9. Alternatively, the Nursa Reactome REST service can be started locally in an embedded server with the Maven tomcat7:run goal:

     mvn tomcat7:run


1 The solr profile can be pulled from the Reactome profile defined for data-content and reused to build that project as well.