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23 Longest path BFS
22 Simulation BFS
- length-1 beams falling on 3-D plain
21 Toposort BFS
- a furthermore harder part 2 geez
20 Toposort BFS
- an even harder part 2 . done
19 Toposort Hard one - interval for the 2nd part BFS
- difficult part 2
18 Polygon Geometry Hard problem - shoelace algorithm pick theorem
17 Dijkstra priority queue heapq dijkstra
- cf. 2021/day/15
16 BFS Bruteforce traversal under rules
15 Hashmap ordered map implementation memorization
- Biggest pb is in reading comprehension
14 Transpose a 2D List 2d transposition
13 Wildcard + Transpose 2d transposition wildcard
- The Wildcard has only 1 possible outcome
12 1D Nonogram wildcard permutation recursive / DFS
- Guess wildcards to get max outcome
- Permute inside a custom comparator
11 Coordinates Pairing1 Hard part 2 - coordinates visualizing
- Keep only relevent coordinates
- n(n-1)/2 Pairing
10 Polygon + Graph Hard problem - BFS
- BFS + inside-a-polygon principle
9 Bruteforce Sim Medium
- Append rows until row is all 0
8 Iterate indefinitely Medium, a grid of states problem
- Lcm + iterate until it stops
7 Wildcards + Poker Hard day
- Sorting hands w/ custiom comparator
6 Quadratic equation Easy
- linear adding
5 Intervals Hard - visualizing overlapping intervals
- ① ||
- max(curr & next L) for L bound
- min(curr & next R) for R bound
4 Math - Math is at the heart of part 2
- Each child win gains pts of parent that wins
3 Parse djacent integers - Took me a while but a satisfying day
- Save a number by its begin, end coordinates
- edgecase 1 end-of-row numbers
- edgecase 2 identical nums in 3x3
2 Parse sring segment - Reading comprehension
1 Parse number words - Reading comprehension


  1. [thread]: Also skoh, with the other problems you could create a map of the problem and then use that map to solve the problem. Here it's so big that you have to compare distances, instead of checking if the map at certain coordinates contains a certain character. This is what makes it harder - Adringar 15/12/22