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uPick is a poll maker app built with HTML and SCSS on the front-end, and NodeJS, Express, EJS, and PostgreSQL on the back-end. Users can search, browse, create, share, and vote on polls. The app incorporates Google graph API to create charts and mailgun API to send email notifications to the user whenever a user creates a new poll, or when someone's voted on a poll.

Getting Started

  1. Create the .env by using .env.example as a reference: cp .env.example .env
  2. Update the .env file with your correct local information
  • username: labber
  • password: labber
  • database: midterm
  1. Install dependencies: npm i
  2. Fix to binaries for sass: npm rebuild node-sass
  3. Reset database: npm run db:reset
  • Check the db folder to see what gets created and seeded in the SDB
  1. Run the server: npm run local
  • Note: nodemon is used, so you should not have to restart your server
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/

Warnings & Tips

  • Do not edit the layout.css file directly, it is auto-generated by layout.scss
  • Split routes into their own resource-based file names, as demonstrated with users.js and widgets.js
  • Split database schema (table definitions) and seeds (inserts) into separate files, one per table. See db folder for pre-populated examples.
  • Use the npm run db:reset command each time there is a change to the database schema or seeds.
    • It runs through each of the files, in order, and executes them against the database.
    • Note: you will lose all newly created (test) data each time this is run, since the schema files will tend to DROP the tables and recreate them.


  • Node 10.x or above
  • NPM 5.x or above
  • PG 6.x


"Poll creation" "Poll voting" "Poll results" "Search results"


Poll maker app that allows users to search, browse, create, share, and vote on polls







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