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Code to accompany the paper Applicability of random matrix theory in deep learning.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the code

Generating resnet34 CIFAR10 embedded dataset

The python script will uses PyTorch to download pre-trained Resnet34 weights, remove the final (classification) layer and embed all of the train and test set of CIFAR10. The results are written as numpy arrays to disk.

There is a bash script experiment_scripts/ that was used by the authors to run the above Python script on an HPC with GPU nodes using PBS. This is platform dependent.

Training models

The training is done with GadamX, a very paired-down version of which is included here. GadamX/ when called with Logistic argument will train a logisitc regression on a specified dataset. The scripts experiment_scripts/run_sgd_*.sh show how this script was used to train the models used in the paper. Again, the script is platform specific, but the logic of calling the script can be used on any platform.

Extracting hessian spectra

The python script GadamX/rmt/ loads in pre-trained models and computes the hessian over a dataset in specified batch sizes. The hessian eigenvalues are computed and saved in HDF5 format. The scripts experiments_scripts/get_exact_hessian_spectra_*.sh were used by the authors to obtain the required spectra used in the paper.

Analysing the spectra

Once the above has been completed, one should have hessian spectra for the different models and conditions storred in HDF5 format on disk. The notebooks in notebooks read these spectra in and do unfolding and spacing ratio calculations to generate the figures in the paper.

Exponential hardness of the true loss

The eponymous directory under notebook contains the notebook to produce the results matching true loss curves for ImageNet to exponentials. We used the script in the PyTorch examples to train on ImageNet.


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