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A pytest plugin for running tests on CircuitPython


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The `pytest-circuitpython `pytest_ plugin makes it easy to run tests on a CircuitPython board.

Note: This is a very early release. It is yet to be used outside running it's own tests.

Initial discussion happens here: CircuitPython issue #980.

This plugin uploads and runs tests on a CircuitPython board through it's serial REPL.

The following rules decide if a test or fixture is run on the board:

  • If the file name starts with test_board_ all it's tests and fixtures are run on the board.
  • If a test starts with test_board_ or is marked with @pytest.mark.board it runs on the board.
  • If a fixture starts with board_ it is run on the board. pytest does not support @pytest.mark on fixtures.

    Use the name parameter if you don't want board_ in the fixture name:

    def board_d0(request):
        import board
        return board.D0
    def test_d0(d0):
        assert d0 == 'board.D0'

There is some assert rewriting before uploading the test file. It happens on the source code and is much simpler than what pytest does with the AST. Chained comparison operators and `is not` are not supported (yet):

assert 1 is not 2
assert 0.99 <= 1.0 <= 1.01

The code still contains a lot of debug stuff. Debug output can be enable with -vv and -vvv. Some of this will probably be put under --debug later.

See the tests directory for example tests.

Test file upload

Files are currently being uploaded through the REPL and not via the USB drive. This means that the filesystem has to be remounted writeable (from the board perspective).


import board
import digitalio
import storage

switch = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A4)
switch.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
switch.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

# If the A4 pin is connected to ground CircuitPython can write to the drive
storage.remount("/", switch.value)


The reason for using the REPL to copy files is to avoid complexity with multiple connected boards and USB auto-mounting coupled with possible board resets. This might change if USB drive access can be made robust.

This plugin relies on (included) for communication with the board. It is an expanded version of the one that's in the CircuitPython repo: tools/

It remains to be seen if will be part of this plugin or a separate package.


  • Python 3.4 or greater
  • pytest 3.5.0 or greater
  • Linux (not tested on MacOS or Windows). Long term goal is to support all three which should be possible since all communication happens through pyserial.


You can install pytest-circuitpython from Github:

$ pip3 install git+


Specify which board to run the tests on:

$ pytest --board=feather_m0_express

# or like this depending on your installation
$ python3 -m pytest --board=feather_m0_express

The board serial device can be specified either as the CircuitPython build name, USB VID:PID or the tty:

$ pytest -h

  --board=BOARDDEV      build_name, vid:pid or /dev/tty
  --file-overwrite      Force file upload, don't check

This plugin does nothing if the --board argument is missing.


  • Fixtures in can not currently run on the board. The file isn't uploaded.
  • Parameterized fixtures are not supported.
  • The request argument to board fixtures has a dummy value.
  • pytest.approx can only be the left operand. See CircuitPython issue #1001.
  • There is a simple pickle/unpickle protocol used (mainly repr()), so it limits which objects can be exchanged between tests/fixtures on the board and locally.
  • Exceptions on the board are re-raised locally with a custom traceback pointing to the test file. This seems to work for tests but not fixtures, it needs more attention.
  • If a test file changes but the file length stays the same, it is not uploaded to the board. Some checksumming is needed to improve on this. hashlib would probably have helped if it was enabled in the build.
  • Namespace cleanup needs improvement by removing more test variables during run to avoid running out of memory. At least classes and modules are missing cleanup (pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(), pytest_runtest_teardown()).


tox can be used for testing:

$ tox -- --cpboard=feather_m0_express tests_cpboard/
$ tox -- --board=feather_m0_express tests/


Contributions are very welcome.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, "pytest-circuitpython" is free and open source software


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.

This pytest plugin was generated with Cookiecutter along with @hackebrot's cookiecutter-pytest-plugin template.


A pytest plugin for running tests on CircuitPython








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