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CMD Defenders

This project is currently on hold.

 _____               _      ______      __               _               
/  __ \             | |     |  _  \    / _|             | |              
| /  \/_ __ ___   __| |     | | | |___| |_ ___ _ __   __| | ___ _ __ ___ 
| |   | '_ ` _ \ / _` |     | | | / _ \  _/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__/ __|
| \__/\ | | | | | (_| |     | |/ /  __/ ||  __/ | | | (_| |  __/ |  \__ \
 \____/_| |_| |_|\__,_|     |___/ \___|_| \___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|  |___/
		A game by Norb.

A tower defense games, made entirely out of ASCII characters, running in the CMD!
Special thanks to nlohmann for the C++ Json parsing library, and the Fluidsynth team for well... the Fluidsynth library!

The objective

Simple! Place down towers of different types to destroy incoming waves of enemies.
There are various enemy types, each with their own speed, HP and weakness.
You also have different types of towers at your disposal, and each can target different weaknesses.

That's it for the basics, there's a manual within the game that you can refer to at any time if you need help.

Gamemodes and maps

There are 20 maps you can choose.
On each map, you can select from 6 different gamemodes:

  • Standard
    Default gamemode.
  • Hard
    Enemies have 1.5x more HP and take 1 extra life when they get through.
  • CMD Pro
    Enemies have 2x more HP, move 2x faster and take 2 extra lives when they get through.
  • Half Cash
    After each wave and for each enemy kill, you recieve half of the cash.
  • Reverse!
    Enemies start at the end of track.
  • Sandbox
    Unlimited money and lives. You can also spawn enemies at will.
Note that at Hard and CMD Pro gamemodes, you will also recieve 2x more cash.


Please note this project is still in development. You can get the latest stable release here.

Compile myself?

I'll release a guide on how to compile the game someday :P

Custom Content

None of this is added yet.

Map Editor

Create your own maps, placing down AI nodes and adding decorations and more!

Tower Editor

Create your own towers! You can later use these custom towers in-game.

Enemy Editor

Create your own enemies and change their stats! These do not spawn in-game, however you can make them spawn by adding them to your custom map!


CMD Defenders is a tower defense game, entirely out of ASCII characters, running in the command line.








No releases published