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Run Apache Hadoop or HBASE jobs directly on data in DXRAM !!


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This DXRAM connector lets you run Apache Hadoop or HBASE jobs directly on data in DXRAM instead of HDFS.

It is still in pre Alpha state! and is still working in a /tmp/myfs/ folder instead of dxram only!

German: Final Report or PDF

since 6. Sep. 2018: exists, mkdir, list, isdir, size, delete and rename works in DXRAM, but mkdir, delete and rename does not with more than ref_ids_each_fsnode entries. UTF8/16 chars or a path with more than max_pathlength_chars are a problem, too.


State: 22. Oct. 2018

Stop Codeing Part of the Project.

  • last:
    • implementing a non-hadoop dxnet Application to test my rpc-like API
    • DxramFile.create() in hadoop
    • DxramOutputStream in hadoop
      • getting FsNode, Blockinfos, Block from a file
      • read the last BlockChunk into buffer
      • modify FsNode, Blockinfos, Block from a file local
      • doing a flush() of local data, to transfer to DxramFsApp and (may) enlarge refIds in FsNode
      • not yet tested, because creating initial FsNode fails
  • fail on:
    • 1 create FsNode for a new file
    • 2 delete, rename Not supporting remove operation if chunk locks are disable
    • 3 transfer complete FsNode "ROOT" initial to a new (2nd) peer
  • next: and DxramInputStream in hadoop, to get bytes from file
  • other TODOs:
    • DxramFile.getFileBlockLocations()
    • using EXT-type in FsNode to store more things in folders and long files
    • using chunk locks and a kind of atomar procedures in the filesystem
    • try hadoop unit-tests on dxramfs
  • far away: testing mapreduce and HBASE examples (multi node)

Get the final report (PDF, German) from here.

Old Hints and Doc


Helpful links ...

... to develop a hadoop-like FS and test it

Build jar file for hadoop and install

cd HadoopDxramFS/connector
mvn clean
mvn package
cp -f target/hadoop-dxram-fs-*.jar /hadoop/common/lib/hadoopDxramFs.jar
cp -f lib/*.jar /hadoop/common/lib/

To configure the connector you have to modify core-site.xml of your hoadoop.

Build jar file for dxram and install

cd HadoopDxramFS/dxram_part
cp DxramFsApp.conf /dxram/dxapp/
cd dxapp
cp build/libs/dxapp-dxramfs-1.0.jar /dxram/dxapp/


Schematic Sketch

DxramFS: between Chunks and Blocks

To reduce confusion, here are some simple keywords to communicate over different project parts:


  • the hadoop part
  • it is a client
  • it requests Filedata
  • it is a connector to a DXRAM Peer
  • it uses DXNet to connect to a DXRAM Peer/Application


  • the DXRAM part
  • it is a server
  • it serves Filedata
  • it handles DXNet Messages with DXRAM
  • it is a DXRAM Application running on a Peer

Node vs. Peer

Hadoop splits processes and lets calculate them with blockdata on nodes .

DXRAM splits Memory requests and get/set their data as chunks on peers.


Start my Envorinment (and take a look into this bash file):

. ./

Notes (for me!)

use hadoop fs CLI to access dxram://namenode:9000 from core-site.xml


  • ROOT is a FsNodeChunk
  • FsNodeChunk builds a tree with ID (dxram chunk id) and a referenceId (parent FsNodeChunk ID)
  • FsNodeChunk stores data about a file or a folder
  • FsNodeChunk has an array of blockinfoIds (if it is full, extID refer to a FsNodeChunk with a new blockinfoIds array)
  • blockinfoIds are dxram chunk ids to BlockinfoChunks
  • BlockinfoChunk stores informations about a BlockChunk
  • every BlockinfoChunk refer with storageId (a dxram chunk id) to a BlockChunk
  • BlockChunk stores the bytes of a file


  • extract dxnet or dxram hostname/ip/port from hadoop fs-scheme!
  • switch to dxnet gradle (since 4. Sep 2018) in connector and dxram_part
  • Check,if ASCII-only filenames, no append() and timestamp with 0 in Filesystem is a problem for mapreduce or HBASE

other stuff

ok with dxram + /tmp/myfs folder:

bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user
bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user/tux
bin/hadoop fs -ls /user
bin/hadoop fs -mv /user/tux /user/other
bin/hadoop fs -rm -f /user/other
bin/hadoop fs -ls /

because Not supporting remove operation if chunk locks are disabled a mv creates two folders with same new name!

not working:

  • utf8 chars
  • storing/deleting/renameing files
  • move/store a file or folder into / or move or rename something in /


Note 2018-12-03: hbase-site.xml and the hbase libs needs a jar file and similar fs.dxram.impl configs, too!

File hadoop-2.8.2-src/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-2.8.2/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
        <description>The FileSystem for dxram.</description>
            The AbstractFileSystem for dxram
        <!-- value>file:///tmp/tee/</value -->
        <!-- value>hdfs://abook.localhost.fake:9000</value -->

        <!-- blocksize is smaller than chunksize (dxram: jan 2018 max was 8MB) -->




        <!-- me is talking to localhost:65221 or localhost:65222, and them are talking to localhost:22222 or 22223. -->
        <!-- the dxnet-dxram peer mapping localhost:65221 at localhost:22222 is good, to identify the location of a block. -->



If you use org.slf4j and ...[1].getMethodName()+"({})", p);

... in your code, you have to take a look to

vim etc/hadoop/

and set export log4j_logger_org_apache_hadoop=INFO to see your logs while using bin/hadoop fs -<command> ... !

open issue: using LOG.debug() and export ...=DEBUG did not work.

hadoop yarn or mapReduce example

cd /EXAMPLE/hadoop-2.8.2-src/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-2.8.2/
mkdir input
cp etc/hadoop/*.xml input
bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.8.2.jar grep input output 'dxram[a-z.]+'

2018-02-23: this examples works on dxramfs (via /tmp/myfs/ folder, not dxram):

  • I got the right result
  • JobRunner (is a part of yarn, but you do not have to runs on local fs. hdfs on single node do it local, too.

MapReduce (MR) example RandomTextWriter

To get a big (300MB) text file, there is a MR example RandomTextWriter. You need a config file etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml to configure the 300222000 Byte output insteat of 1099511627776 Bytes (default):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
      <!-- value>1099511627776</value -->

If you are the user tux and have a /user/tux/ home dir in hdfs or dxramfs you can run this:

bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.8.2.jar randomtextwriter outrand

The result is written to /user/tux/outrand/part-m-00000 with "300MB":

bin/hadoop fs -ls /user/tux/outrand/
  Found 2 items
  -rw-rw-rw-   0          0 1970-01-01 01:00 /user/tux/outrand/_SUCCESS
  -rw-rw-rw-   0  307822548 1970-01-01 01:00 /user/tux/outrand/part-m-00000

MR wordcount

bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.8.2.jar wordcount outrand/part-m-00000 wcout

java.lang.Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Modify the etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml file:


to set java options e.g. a bigger heapsize. Remove /user/tux/wcout before redo ;-D

Maybe 300MB file is realy to big! Try 30 MB as input.

Hbase example

You need

  • kerberos (does kinit work?)
  • hadoop "binaries" (maybe part of hbase)
  • zookeeper (part of hbase)

Code example

build hadoop

You need an old protobuf version

git clone
cd protobuf
git checkout tags/v2.5.0
unsure: ./
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
reboot ?!

Get Hadoop:

gunzip hadoop-*
tar -xvf hadoop-*
cd hadoop-2.8.2-src/
mvn package -Pdist -Pdoc -Psrc -Dtar -DskipTests

or use for offline:

mvn package -Pdist -Pdoc -Psrc -Dtar -DskipTests -o

you got an error and you fix a single line e.g. in the hadoop-hdfs project, restart maven on that place, where the error comes (and is fixed):

mvn package -Pdist -Pdoc -Psrc -Dtar -DskipTests -o  -rf :hadoop-hdfs

Compile HDFS only:

Backup your etc/hadoop/*.xml and etc/hadoop/ files !!! It may change.

  • edit src/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/
  • cd to src/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client/
  • do mvn clean
  • cd to src/
  • do mvn package -Pdist -Pdoc -Psrc -Dtar -DskipTests -o
  • hope for a libprotoc 2.5.0 (sometimes a system upgrade makes it 3.x)
  • copy new jar files to the right place

I have a bash script for the last point:

cp ${HADOOP_HOME}/../../../hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/target/hadoop-hdfs-2.8.2.jar \
cp ${HADOOP_HOME}/../../../hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-native-client/target/hadoop-hdfs-native-client-2.8.2.jar \
cp ${HADOOP_HOME}/../../../hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs-client/target/hadoop-hdfs-client-2.8.2.jar \

And finaly check the etc/hadoop/*.xml and file !!! It may change.

For the pre-last point: goto protobuf folder (you got it with git clone) and redo a make install. If you got a new gcc version, make clean and ./configure before make install is a good choice!


    export JAVA_HOME=/usr
    export HADOOP_CONF_DIR="/EXAMPLE/hadoop-2.8.2-src/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-2.8.2/etc/hadoop/"
    export HADOOP_HOME="/EXAMPLE/hadoop-2.8.2-src/hadoop-dist/target/hadoop-2.8.2/"
    export HBASE_CONF_DIR="/etc/hbase/"
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/bin/:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/:$PATH

hdfs and hbase


hdfs namenode -format
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/tux

note: hdfs dfs -mkdir /user is equal to bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user if hdfs is your defaultFS in core-site.xml
