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Marketplace platform providing an app and api service to support commerce in goods and services between buyers and sellers across multiple vendors, payment and logistics providers.



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A marketplace platform providing a web app and api service to support commerce in goods and services between buyers and sellers across multiple vendors, payment and logistics providers.

The platform is built with JavaScript and is an application based on the ExpressJS framework. The backend stores data using collections in a NoSQL database which by default is MongoDB. This database is also supported by a secondary datastore based on ElasticSearch which provides indexes used during search functions as well as data streams for analytics.

On the frontend views are rendered server side using EJS as the template engine with dynamic controls provided by Bootstrap or custom browser independent JavaScript.



The platform is comprised of a document database, search engine, application server, web application and API. The server side application runs on top of the node.js platform.

Download and install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js Download. The minimum supported version is v12.18.3.

Install the oppenshop node module dependencies.

npm i


Data collections are stored in a document database by the application server. The default supported document database is mongoDB. However, alternate databases may utilized by configuring a supported adapter.

To install mongoDB follow the mongo documentation. Post database installation peform these additional steps to configure user authentication and a replica set.

Enable authentication

Add the security block to the mongod.conf.

    authorization: enabled

Create a user and role for OppenShop

Assign the readWrite privileges to the application user on the specified database.

use admin
db.createUser({user: <username>, pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: [ role: <role>, db: <db>] }

Setup Replication

Add the following lines to the mongodb.conf

   replSetName: "rs0"

Login to the database with the right privileges and initiate the replicates


Start/Stop/Restart Database (HomeBrew)

brew services start/restart/stop mongodb-community




Homebrew configuration, setup and installation

brew tap elastic/tap
brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full

Launch/Start elasticsearch

brew services start elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full

MongoDB user creation for elasticsearch

db.createUser({user: 'es', pwd: passwordPrompt(),roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'oppenshop'}]})


Download the Elasticsearch archive for your OS:

curl -L -O

Extract the archive:

tar -xvf elasticsearch-7.9.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

Start Elasticsearch from the bin directory:

cd elasticsearch-7.9.2/bin

[Optional] Start two more instances of Elasticsearch so you can see how a typical multi-node cluster behaves. You need to specify unique data and log paths for each node.

./elasticsearch -Epath.logs=log2
./elasticsearch -Epath.logs=log3

More details available at

Create Index

Create an index file with filters and analyzers for the collections in Mongodb database as well as mappings for the relevant fields

cat ./configuration/es-products-index.json | curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT --data-binary @- 'http://localhost:9200/products-index?pretty'

Expected JSON response should include:

{"acknowledged" : true}

Bulk Indexer with NodeJS

Verify the configuration file has the correct details in configuration/index.js, specifically the following config:

indexerAdapter: 'es',
indexerType: 'elasticsearch',
indexerHost: 'localhost',
indexerPort: '9200',
indexerProtocol: 'http',
indexerAuth: 'basic',
indexerUser: '',
indexerPassword: '',

Test & Verification


You can test that your Elasticsearch node is running by sending an HTTP request

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v'


Calling elasticsearch endpoint directly can be done with the following parameters by:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 'http://localhost:9200/products-index/_search?pretty' -d '{"query": {"match": {"name": "XBox"}}}'


Media Handling

A standard media handler storage adapter is provided by default. This storage adapter can save media images to either the database in a base64 7bit string buffer or alternatively directly to the file system. The following configuration parameters determine the behaviour of the standard media adapter.

  media_datastore: 'fs',
  media_dest_type: 'relative',
  media_dest: '/data/media',
  media_dest_users: '/users',
  media_dest_shops: '/shops',
  media_dest_products: '/products',
  media_dest_catalogs: '/catalogs',
  media_uri_path: '/view/assets/media',

The default behaviour for a properly configured app shown above is to save media images to the file system as indicated by the media_datastore value of 'fs'. Alternatively image binary data could be saved to the databse by using the 'db' value. Note, the app will failback to utilizing the database as media storage if no configuration values are set.

When the media_dest_type and media_dest options are provided they determine whether the destination path is relative to the application's parent directory or if it is an absolute system path.


The platform provides a built-in Application Programming Interface (API) that provides various endpoints to support queries and other features such as authentication. Details of the features provided by the API can be found in the api reference.


The application provides a RESTful API with endpoints accessible at /api/*



Testing and validation uses the JEST testing frameworks. All test scripts are located under the "tests" directory. To configure and run the test cases for oppenshop follow the testing guide.


Platform extensions must be placed in the adapters directory.


Multi-Currency Management

multi-currency management


Marketplace platform providing an app and api service to support commerce in goods and services between buyers and sellers across multiple vendors, payment and logistics providers.







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