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Terraform Registry

Terraform module which configure a Kubernetes cluster (DOKS) on Digital Ocean



Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
digitalocean >= 2.10.0


Name Version
digitalocean >= 2.10.0


No modules.


Name Type
digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.k8s resource
digitalocean_kubernetes_node_pool.node_pools resource
digitalocean_kubernetes_versions.k8s data source
digitalocean_sizes.k8s data source


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_scale Enable cluster autoscaling bool n/a yes
auto_upgrade Whether the cluster will be automatically upgraded bool n/a yes
cluster_name Cluster name string n/a yes
kubernetes_version The Kubernetes version string n/a yes
maintenance_policy_day The day of the maintenance window policy string n/a yes
maintenance_policy_start_time The start time in UTC of the maintenance window policy in 24-hour clock format / HH:MM notation string n/a yes
max_nodes Autoscaling maximum node capacity string 5 no
min_nodes Autoscaling Minimum node capacity string 1 no
node_count The number of Droplet instances in the node pool. number n/a yes
node_labels List of Kubernetes labels to apply to the nodes map(any)
"service": "kubernetes"
node_pools Addons node pools
size = string
node_count = number
auto_scale = bool
min_nodes = number
max_nodes = number
node_tags = list(string)
node_labels = map(string)
{} no
node_tags The list of instance tags applied to all nodes. list(any)
region The location of the cluster string n/a yes
size The slug identifier for the type of Droplet to be used as workers in the node pool. string n/a yes
surge_upgrade Enable/disable surge upgrades for a cluster bool false no
tags The list of instance tags applied to the cluster. list(any)
vpc_uuid The ID of the VPC where the Kubernetes cluster will be located string "" no


No outputs.