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This Repo holds the code for the PostMark WebAPI. It's composed of a .net core Web API and Actors based on Subprojects have been created in order to create a cleaner design and make it easier for newcomers to understand the design and to reduce their time to first meaningful contributions


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DataFlow diagram


Coming soon


Want to contribute? Great!

To fix a bug or enhance an existing module, follow these steps:

  • clone the repo
  • Create a new branch (git checkout -b improve-feature)
  • Make the appropriate changes in the files
  • Add changes to reflect the changes made
  • Add unit tests to test the changes made
  • Add integration tests to test the feature/behavior
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Improve feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin improve-feature)
  • Create a Pull Request

Notes on the Code organization.

The Backend Code relies heavily on Actors. Akka is an opinionated framework that forces the developer to put any behavior or action-oriented code behind actors and the only way to invoke said actions is through the use of lightweight CQRs classes.

Advantages of Akka.Net

  • It simplifies code organization and makes it easier to standardize and maintain code.
  • Mentally its much easier to reason about code flows using actors than general mvc frameworks
  • The biggest advantage Akka has is it enables the developer to scale out individual parts of the same program. for example you can scale out the bussinesslogic classes alone and leave the db handler alone without spliting up your code.Its just a configuration in Akka
  • Also akka allows you to make move your actors to other containers,vms,computers etc and akka will make that work without any code changes

Simply put

  • Actors go in Postmark.Actors
  • Shared stuff goes in Postmark.Shared
  • etc

A note on tests...there are 2 kinds of test projects in the repo.

  • Unit tests deal with testing the logic rules of a single actor. that means any dependencies of that actor are mocked out.
  • Integration tests test the behavior of an actor given actual real-world dependencies.

Don't mix the 2 up by putting unit tests in the integration tests project or vice versa

Adding Bussiness Rules

To add bussiness rules, all thats needed is to implement the IEmailBussinessRule Interface and put the logic in the RunRuleCheck Method. Remember to cater for both types of requests that can be sent. Also...remember that the SingleEmailRequest expects a SingleEmailResult while the BulkEmailRequest expects the BulkEmailResult.

The BussinessLogic Engine will automatically send emails for which you return a SingleEmailResult.ErrorCode of SUCCESS, other wise it will fail them. BulkEmailResult is just a collection of SingleEmailResults e.g

public EmailResult RunRuleChecks(ref EmailRequest obj)
    EmailResult ruleEvaluationResult = null;

    switch (obj)
        case SingleEmail singleEmail:
            ruleEvaluationResult = RunRuleOnSingleEmail(singleEmail);

        case BulkEmail bulkEmail:
            ruleEvaluationResult = RunRuleOnBulkEmail(bulkEmail);


    return ruleEvaluationResult;

Once you have implemented the Interface, make sure your Rule is added on App Startup. To do that add it to the SetupBussinessLogicActor in the StartUp.cs file in the Postmark.WebAPI project

Scaling Out, High Avaiability Performance

Akka allows for scaling out of individual parts of your program at runtime by configuration. With you can easily do something like this

var actor = actorSystem.ActorOf
      emailSendingActor: emailSenderActor,
      failedEmailsActor: persistentStorageActor,
    ).WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(100)),

This will create 100 instances of the BussinesslogicActor and akka will automatically loadbalance requests across all of them. This handles the Performance and Scaling out requirements

Regarding High AVailability, Akka.Net automatically handles failures in actors based on a set stragey. by default, if an actor crashes, simply restarts it which helps meet the high availability requirements

Beyond that, the project is written to be easily deployed on AWS Lambda which supports infinte scalability


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.




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