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The script is a Sikuli-based test for the OS X platform. It is designed to test software by taking screenshots of a new version of a program and comparing them with the correct ones (standard). So, this is a regression test.

Originally, the script was intended to check if a document containing text and graphics (like MS Word or Apple Pages) was rendered on the canvas correctly. Thanks to Sikuli, which provides access to program's GUI, one can verify not only the content of the canvas but other windows and panels as well.

In the same way, one can verify the program interface itself (e.g. detect missing or incorrectly initialized controls).

Screenshots are taken by the means of OS X (macOS).

Dependencies: Sikuli.

How to Create a Sikuli Project?

  1. Create a new folder.
  2. Place the script inside the folder.
  3. Rename the folder to a name you prefer and add .sikuli to the end.

OS X will recognize '.sikuli' as a file name extension associated with Sikuli, and turn the folder into a bundle (with the script inside).

How to Run the Script?

These two command lines are used to run the script in one of two modes correspondingly.

Test mode:
/Applications/SikuliX/runsikulix -r '/../smoke_test.sikuli' --args -p '/../smoke_test_folder'

/Applications/SikuliX/runsikulix - path inside the bundle. If this software is installed on your computer not in the Applications folder, just put the correct path instead of 'Applications'.

-r '/../smoke_test.sikuli' - this parameter defines the path to the Sikuli project we created earlier.

-p '/../smoke_test_folder' - this parameter defines the path to a folder containing the script settings and test documents. What's inside the test folder will be explained later.

In the test mode, the script takes screenshots of a program version which is under test, and compares each screenshot with a standard one taken from a stable version of the program.

Standard screenshot updating mode:
/Applications/SikuliX/runsikulix -r '/../smoke_test.sikuli' --args -p '/../smoke_test_folder' -u

Here is the same command line as in the test mode plus the -u key. Once it is present, the script creates new standard screenshots. Old standard screenshots will be overwritten.

Obviously, you run the script with the -u key first in order to create standard screenshots. Then you can run it in the test mode as many times as you need.

What Actually the Script Does?

The script picks a test document from the test folder, opens it in the program you test, takes a screenshot, and compares the latter with the standard screenshot related to the same document. If the screenshots are exactly the same, a test passes. Otherwise, the test fails. The output in the Terminal will tell you which tests passed and which didn't. Then the script closes the document and opens the next one until all of them are checked.

Screenshots of failed tests will be saved in the 'Failed' folder for further examination. Passed ones will be removed.

The Test Folder

The test folder contains all the data linked to one test session (a series of test documents).

The test folder can have any name since you indicate the path to it as a command line argument.

The structure of the test folder (after a few failed tests):


The 'documents' folder stores test documents and standard screenshots. It's name is constant.

The standard and failed screenshots have the same name as the respective document.

'Failed_Tests_' folders are created automatically. They contain screenshots of failed tests.

'run_script.command' just contains a command line to run the script. This file is arbitrary, you can keep it anywhere.

'setup.txt' is used for script settings.

Once the script is launched, it uses the path given in the command line to find 'setup.txt' and 'documents'.


This file contains these details:

  • Path to a stable version of the program.
  • Path to a program you are going to test.
  • Document file name extension.
  • Screenshot file name extension.
  • Delay parameter which lets you adjust timeouts in the script.

Sample Test

The sample_test folder lets you see how the script works. This test opens TIFF images in and compares its screenshots with pre-created ones.

Note that the sample test contains pre-created screenshots which might differ from yours because: • You have a different environment (different version of the operating system, other screen resolution and so on). • Your screenshots have the shadow around windows.

So, you may need to update screenshots on your own computer to wave the sample working.

Screenshots with no Shadow

It is recommended that screenshots you work with have no shadow. To turn off the shadow, run these two shell commands: defaults write disable-shadow -bool false killall SystemUIServer


UI automated test based on Sikuli








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