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CardGenerator generates playing cards from a couple of resources (such as base background, colours, images).


-h, --help              Displays this help message and quits.
-v, --version           Displays the program version and quits.
-d, --directory         Sets the resource directory.
-o, --output            Sets the output directory for final cards.
-f, --fontsize          Sets the global font size for card images.
-z, --safezone          Sets the pixels-indents from the corners.
-s, --shadow            Toggles if the text should have shadows (slow).
-c, --shadowcolour      Sets the shadow colour. Four values (rgba) seperated by commas (example: '255,255,255,255').

Resource directory structure


  • base_card.png

  • font.ttf / font.otf

You can override these on a by-colour basis. For example, you want to have one base card for red and another for all other colours:

Create these files:

  • base_card.png for all colours

  • to override the base card for red

The same is true for font files!


Each directory you create in the resource directory is a colour. You can name the directories anything you want - they do not have to be colours.

For example: ./69/, ./purple/, ./amongus are all valid.

Inside these directories you can put your overlay images. Name them like you want the cards to appear as: A.png -> "A", 9.png -> "9", Ace.png -> "Ace"

These overlay images will be centered and drawn directly onto the base card.

Note: Overlay images should always be smaller than the base card, as then the overlay would be bigger than the "background"!


root: ./
 | > .some_file.txt      # dot-files are ignored!
 | > font.ttf            # font used on all cards
 | >        # OPTIONAL: overrides font used on red cards
 | > base_card.png       # image used for the background of all cards
 | >   # OPTIONAL: overrides base card ONLY for red
 | > red/                # contains card images for red cards
 |    | > 9.png          # card image for card '9'; '9' will be printed onto the card
 |    | > Ace.png        # 'Ace' will be printed onto the card
 | > blue/               # same as red, but only for blue
     | > 9.png
     | > Ace.png


Base cards

Default Red Blue
default base card red base card blue base card


# Ace-Card 9-Card
Blue blue 9 blue ace
Red red 9 red ace

Final cards

# Ace-Card 9-Card
Blue blue 9 blue ace
Red red 9 red ace

Generated using ./cardgenerator -o:./examples/output -f:100 -d:./examples/resources -s -c:255,255,255,255 -z:50!