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A movie recommendation system, is an AI/ML-based approach to filtering or predicting the users’ film preferences based on their past choices and behavior. It’s an advanced filtration mechanism that predicts the possible movie choices of the concerned user and their preferences towards a domain-specific item, aka movie.

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Movie Recommendation System

This project focuses on building a movie recommendation system using AI/ML techniques. The system suggests similar movies based on user preferences, movie genres, keywords, cast, crew, and movie descriptions.


  • The dataset used in this project consists of two CSV files:
    • tmdb_5000_movies.csv: Contains information about movies such as title, overview, genres, keywords, etc.
    • tmdb_5000_credits.csv: Contains information about movie credits including cast and crew details.

Data Preprocessing

  • Merging: The two datasets are merged using the movie titles as the common key.
  • Cleaning: Null values are dropped and duplicates are removed from the merged dataset.
  • Feature Selection: Selected features include title, overview, genres, keywords, cast, and crew.

Feature Engineering

  • Data Transformation: Certain columns containing JSON-formatted data (genres, keywords, cast, crew) are converted into lists.
  • Text Processing: Textual data such as overviews, genres, keywords, cast names, and crew names are processed to remove spaces, convert to lowercase, and perform stemming.


  • Count Vectorization: The textual data is vectorized using CountVectorizer to convert it into numerical form.
  • Feature Extraction: The most frequent words are selected as features, and their occurrences are counted.

Similarity Calculation

  • Cosine Similarity: Cosine similarity is calculated between vectors to measure the similarity between movies.
  • Recommendations: Based on the similarity scores, top similar movies are recommended to the user.


  • The recommendation function takes a movie title as input and suggests similar movies.
  • Visualization (Optional): PCA is used for visualization of the vectorized data (commented out in the code).
  • Example Usage: The recommend() function is called with a movie title to demonstrate how the system works.

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, NLTK, scikit-learn
  • Data Visualization: Matplotlib (for optional visualization)

Setup and Installation

  • Install the required Python libraries (Pandas, NumPy, NLTK, scikit-learn).
  • Download the dataset files (tmdb_5000_movies.csv and tmdb_5000_credits.csv).
  • Run the provided code to preprocess the data, extract features, and build the recommendation system.
  • Call the recommend() function with a movie title to get recommendations.

For any issues or improvements, please feel free to contribute or reach out.

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A movie recommendation system, is an AI/ML-based approach to filtering or predicting the users’ film preferences based on their past choices and behavior. It’s an advanced filtration mechanism that predicts the possible movie choices of the concerned user and their preferences towards a domain-specific item, aka movie.







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