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Conditional bindings for filters

Pieter Jansen van Vuuren edited this page Jan 19, 2015 · 6 revisions

Usually, a filter is applied to a few actions. With the MVC3 extension for Ninject this is done by adding a condition to the filter binding. The available overloads of When are a bit different than for other Ninject bindings. Below you find examples of the available When overloads.

// LogFilter is applied to controllers that have the LogAttribute
this.BindFilter<LogFilter>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
     .WithConstructorArgument("logLevel", Level.Info);
// LogFilter is applied to actions that have the LogAttribute
this.BindFilter<LogFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
     .WithConstructorArgument("logLevel", Level.Info);
// LogFilter is applied to all actions of the HomeController
this.BindFilter<LogFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
     .WithConstructorArgument("logLevel", Level.Info);
// LogFilter is applied to all Index actions
this.BindFilter(FilterScope.Action, 0)
     .When((controllerContext,  actionDescriptor) =>
                actionDescriptor.ActionName == "Index")
     .WithConstructorArgument("logLevel", Level.Info);

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