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React Hook and Suspense Demo

Note: this demo conatains UNSTABLE, EXPERIMENTAL API

This sample application shows a textfield for a search string and a search button. When the user clicks Search, the given string will be searched in two (mock) backend endpoints.

Run the example

Install and start the backend

The backend is a simple express application that exposes two endpoints that return random mock data on each invocation.

To run the backend:

cd backend
yarn install
yarn start

Note: The backend listens on port 9010, so please make sure this port is not in use when starting the backend.

Install and start the frontend

The frontend is a React 16.8 sample application, that uses some unstable api.

To run the frontend:

cd frontend
yarn install
yarn start

Note: The backend listens on port 9081, so please make sure this port is not in use when starting the backend.

Now you can open the application in your browser at http://localhost:9081. Enter some random text in the Search Field and press Search.

The example you're runing uses the "classic" class-based API from React.

Using the hook-based example

To run the application that uses the new React Hooks API please uncomment in main.js the following line:

# comment out this line:
// import { App } from "./App";

# uncomment this line:
import { AppWithHooks as App } from "./AppWithHooks";

Now the app only uses functional components with the Hooks API.

Using the code-splitting example

Another version of the app uses the code splitting feature React.lazy. To see it in action again enable another version of App in main.js:

# comment out this line:
// import { App } from "./App";

# uncomment this line:
import { AppWithTab as App } from "./LazyApp";

When you now run the application you see a button that you have to click in order to load the actual SearchPage. The code for the SearchPage component is lazy loaded right after you click the button (please see the Network Tab in your Browser's dev tools).

Note that there is a Loading Spinner shown until the component has been loaded. This works using a React.Suspense component in LazyApp.js.

To better the loading indicator you can simulate a slow server response by adding ?delayimport to your url (http://localhost:9081?delayimport).

Everything until here (Hooks, Suspense for Code splitting) it stable React (16.8) API and can be used in production!

Suspense for Data Loading

Suspense also will be able to work for loading of data. This is currenty unstable and alpha!

To see this feature in action, please copy the folder frontend/.react-cache-from-source as react-ache into your frontend/node_modules folder.

Then select the next version of the app in main.js:

# comment out this line:
// import { App } from "./App";

# uncomment this line:
import { AppWithTabWithSuspense as App } from "./LazyAppWithSupsense.js";

Now when you run the app you should also the loading spinner when the application loads the data from the backend (after clicking Search). The spinner now are coming from suspense (see for example search_suspense/SearchPageand search_suspense/CompanySearch). You will notice that there is no fetch anymore.

You can play around with it by also adding ?delayfetch to your url: (http://localhost:9081?delayimport&delayfetch) and by removing one or both of the React.Suspense in search_suspense/SearchPage to see different behaviours.



If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. You can reach me on Twitter or open an issue in this github repo.


React Hook and Suspense Demo (contains UNSTABLE, EXPERIMENTAL api)







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