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Holberton School project Carlos and Nicolas Ribeiro

_printf() in the C Programming Language

This project is about recreating the C library function printf. The function printf sends formatted output to stdout (standard output stream) by formatting the argument(s) passed in and converting the arguments(s) into a character string. This version will be used as _printf.


Our printf has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 Tests done in ElementaryOS 5.1 and VirtualBox on Ubuntu via Vagrant(1.9.1)

Repository Breakdown

Once cloned over, the repository will contain the following files:

File Decription
holberton.h header file with prototypes
set_buffer.c contains functions to write to the buffer

Format tags

Format tags implemented in _printf

specifier output
c characters
s string of characters
d or i int to signed decimal

How to Use

There are two ways to use the _printf function in your code. First step is to clone the repository into your directory

$ git clone

Once that is done, you can create a static library or use the -I in gcc

Compile with a static library for _printf

Change your directory into the _printf directory in order to create your static library

$ cd printf

Compile all the .c files in _printf

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -c *.c

All your .c files should also have a corresponding .o file. Run the following to create your static library:

ar -rc lib<LIBRARY-NAME>.a *.o

To run your static library with your own YOUR-FILE.c file, use the following command:

gcc <YOUR-FILE>.c -L. -lib<LIBRARY-NAME> -o <OUT-NAME>

Compile without a static library for _printf

Make sure the _printf directory is in the same directory as your YOUR-FILE.c file and then run the following command:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -I $PWD/printf printf/*.c <YOUR-FILE>.c

The -I flag allows you to include the directory of the header file holberton.h. $PWD/printf takes the absolute path of the _print directory while printf/*.c compiles all your .c files in _printf

Use in code

How to use _printf in your code

Please see the following example when _printf is implemented in your code:

#include <holberton.h>

int main(void)
  _printf("Let's try to print a %s sentence.\n", "simple");
  return (0):

This is an an example output:

$ Let's try to print a simple sentence.


This _printf function currently does not support special flags [+ , - , `, \0 , #], field, width or precision.

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs at the time.


Nicolas Ribeiro - Github - ||Carlos Araque - Github -


Holberton School project







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