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Serving PyTorch model using Flask and docker

This app is a blueprint for serving PyTorch model using Flask. It mostly suitable for demo purposes without high load (it is not fit for concurrent or batch processing yet). The app accepts an image either via web page upload or POST request to endpoint <url>/predict. For example:

curl -X POST -F file=@"cat.jpg"

It can be run both as usual flask app and deployed as Docker container with flask app inside. Take into account that the app downloads pre-trained models' weights, with default configuration ~1.5Gb.

In order to run docker container, first install docker and docker-compose. Then run the following commands (in the directory where you want to clone git repo):

git clone
cd pytorch-flask-inference
docker compose up --build

Among the output, you should see the message similar to below:

webapp_1 | [2020-07-03 08:49:42 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4
webapp_1 | [2020-07-03 08:49:42 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)

Now the app is available locally at