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A class project for CS980

The purpose of this project is to solve the TREC-CAR paragraph task.

Follow the Installation instructions to install and Usage instructions to run the prototype.


  1. Clone this project:
git clone
  1. Change to Mongoose directory:
cd Mongoose
  1. Change permission of the scripts:
chmod 755
  1. Run the installation script:

Now run ./ to test the project as described in the Usage section below.


  1. Running the script tests 7 variations with default settings of our project on train dataset and reports the treceval results.

  2. However, if you wish to run a single method with custom parameters, you have to run the generated jar file Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar with command line arguments and changing the appropriate variables in the file. (See details below)

  3. The results are stored in the directory mongoose-results which is created in the same directory as the one in which you intall the prototype.

Here are the files that will be generated once the script is finised.

hacsim-cluster-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train: Cluster file for HAC with wordnet similarity

hacsim-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for HAC with wordnet similarity

hacwv-cluster-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train: Cluster file for HAC with word embedding

hacwv-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for HAC with word embedding

kmwv-cluster-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train: Cluster file for KMeans with word embedding

kmwv-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for KMeans with word embedding

summary-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for Summarization

lda-topic-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for LDA topic modeling

lda-topic-expanded-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-train-run: Runfile for LDA topic modeling with wordnet synonyms

Available methods, options and their corresponding arguments for running jar file:

  1. -p calculates wordnet similarity between all paragraph pairs
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-output-file

This will calculate wordnet similarity between all the paragraph pairs inside each page mentioned in the candidate set and save the data as a serialized object in a file.

  1. -hacsim runs HAC with wordnet similarity
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -hacsim path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-parapair-similarity-data path-to-rlib-trained-model-file path-to-output-file

This will cluster paragraphs for each page in candidate set using HAC with wordnet similarity and using the optimized weight vector for each similarity from the rlib model file and save the results.

  1. -hacwv runs HAC with word2vec cosine similarity
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -hacwv path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-output-file

This will cluster paragraphs for each page in candidate set using HAC with word2vec feature vectors obtained from glove pretrained model and save the results.

  1. -kmwv runs KMeans with word2vec feature vector
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -kmwv path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-output-file

This will cluster paragraphs for each page in candidate set using KMeans with word2vec feature vectors obtained from glove pretrained model and save the results.

  1. -cm calculate Adjusted RAND index of clusters
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -cm path-to-cluster-output-file
  1. -pm map clusters to sections using word2vec feature vector
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -pm path-to-cluster-output-file path-to-output-runfile

This will map paragraphs in clusters in a page to the sections using word2vec features and save the results in a runfile format.

  1. -sm map paragraphs in the candidate set to sections using paragraph summarization
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -sm path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-output-runfile

This will map paragraphs in candidate set of a page to the sections using paragraph summaries and save the results in a runfile format.

  1. -tm map paragraphs in the candidate set to sections using LDA topic model
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -tm path-to-candidate-set-pagerun-file path-to-output-runfile mode
  1. -cmb generate Ranklib feature file out of run files and qrels file
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -cmb path-to-runfiles-to-be-combined path-to-output-feature-file pagelevel?false/true
  1. -cmbrun generate combined runfile from Rlib model and individual run files
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -cmbrun folder-path-to-run-files filepath-to-rlib-model filepath-to-output-runfile
  1. -qe generate candidate set/section level runfile using query expansion
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -qe output-directory-path output-runfile-name

Also you have to edit qe-method, cs-method and search method in according to your needs (See details below).

  1. -bm25 map paragraphs to sections using BM25 (Baseline)
java -jar target/Mongoose-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -bm25 output-directory-path output-runfile-name number-of-retrieved mode?section-path/page-title/top-level-sections BM25 0.1

Options in

Various parameters and options for file located inside Mongoose directory:

1. data-dir=path to benchmarkY1train/test directory

2. index-dir=path to lucene index directory

3. parafile=paragraph cbor filename

4. outline=outline cbor filename for train/test

5. art-qrels=article.qrels filename

6. top-qrels=top-level.qrels filename

7. hier-qrels=hierarchical.qrels filename

8. no-ret=number of paragraphs retrieved during candidate generation

9. func=space separated options for wordnet similairties used for clustering. valid options ji - Jiang-Conrath, pat - Path, wu - Wu-Palmer, lin - Lin

10. log-file=not used

11. show-msg=to enable verbose output (yes/no)

12. threads=number of threads for multithreading tasks

13. use-default-poolsize=whether to use default thread pool size (yes/no)

14. glove-file=pretrained glove file to be used

15. plaintextpara=not used

16. parapair-qrels=not used

17. cluster-out-txt=not used

18. sum-method=summarization method, currently only valid option: tfidf

19. sum-map-method=mapping method after summarization, valid options: tfidf/wn

20. curl-path=path to curl script: scripts/

21. stopfile=filename storing the stopwords

22. qe-method=query expansion method

23. cs-method=BM25

24. search-mode = section-path

For example: mode=-qe-sm (default) will first generate candidate set using query expansion and then using that generate run file for top-level sections using summarization methods.

Following options are available for query expansion ( option: "qe-method" in :

  1. RM3 = Relevance Model 3 (default)

  2. KNN-PRF = Simple KNN with Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (PRF)

  3. KNN-INC = Incremental KNN with PRF

  4. KNN-EXT = KNN with extended query set with PRF

For example, if you want to run query expansion with option (3), then change the value of the field "qe-method" in the properties file to "KNN-INC".

Each of the above query expansion methods can work on either page level, section level, or top-level section queries (option: "search-mode" in The available modes are:

  1. page-title: Searches for page titles as queries (default)

  2. section-path : Searches for section headings as queries

  3. toplevel-sections : Searches for toplevel sections as queries

For example, if you want to run query expansion on section headings as queries, then change the value of the field "search-mode" in the properties file to "section-path".

Each of the above query expansion methods works with PRF which uses one of the following methods to retrieve a candidate set of top paragrapghs (option: "cs-method" in :

  1. BM25 : Standard BM25 retrieval model (default)

  2. LM-DS : Standard Language Model with Dirichlet Smoothing

  3. LM-JM : Standard Language Model with Jelenik-Mercer Smoothing

For example, if you want to generate candidate set for PRF using LM-DS, then change the value of the field "cs-method" in the properties file to "LM-DS".

In summary, suppose you want to run the variation: "Candidate generation using LM-DS with PRF, query expansion with simple KNN on top-level sections" then you need to make the following changes to the properties file:

qe-method = KNN-PRF

cs-method = LM-DS

search-mode = section-path


The run file for benchmarkY1test can be found at: /home/mong/mongoose-hier-test-top3-runfiles

The followilg files are present:

summary-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-test-run: Run file for text summarization using word2vec and tfidf.

lda-topic-expanded-out-comb-top200-laura-cand-test-run: Run file for LDA topic modelling with WordNet synonyms

The run file for benchmarkY1train can be found at: /home/mong/mongoose-hier-train-runfiles