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Print4JS is a A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web.

Print4JS - Print Page for JavaScript

This repository is a basically fork of print.js by Rodrigo Vieira. Additional content in the repository are added to understand the underlying concept of selected printing of content elements with and without print.js.

Content added to this fork are added as support for the learning resource AppLSAC in Wikiversity (see Wikiversity AppLSAC/Print.

Javascript code can be used to creates a print job from the browser. With print.js specific content elements can be submitted to printer API of the browser. Examples for content elements are:

  • Form content,
  • Images in a canvas,
  • PDF files,
  • Content of a textarea,
  • ... Javascript has as print() method of the window object of the browser, but this method allow the printing of content of the current browser window only. print.js allows printing of specific content elements by calling the window.print() function on new window, that contains the desired content only. This concept leads to the 4 main steps:
  • (Open Window) Open a new browser window,
  • (Create Content) write the content, that should be printed into the browser window with Javascript,
  • (Call Printer API) call the window.print() function for the generated browser window,
  • (Close Window) close the browser window

This repository was forked from print.js and inspired by developements of Rodrigo Vieira (Github User: crabbly). The repository is used learn about printing methods within a Javascript WebApps.

The following table of contents is generated with node doctoc

Table of Contents

Demo Files Print4JS

Demo files scanned with - Last Update: 09.10.2019 Generated file ./src/readme/ was included into after calling npm run build

Installation Print4JS

The library was designed to used in a browser (WebApp). So use the installation for your browser by using a bundle dist/print4js.js (ee example ___PKG_DEMOLINK___).

Installation for Browsers

If you want to use the library print4js.js in a browser, please copy the file dist/print4js.js into your library folder of WebApp that you want to test with a browser (e.g. js/print4js.js). If you want expand existing examples check the basic example in docs/index.html first and play around with that HTML-file. If you want to import the library with script-tag do it in the standard way with:

<script src="js/print4js.js"></script>

Now it is possible to use the constructor of Print4JS

var  print4js = new Print4JS();

Now we define a hash that contains the options for the init()-call.

var vOptions = {
  'debug': false
print4js.init(doccument, vOptions);

After the init() call the Print4JS instance are defined (see section about Usage). debug=true shows the console.log() in the browser for print calls in the HTML page. Default setting is false.

Quick Start for Library-Users

Just copy the docs/-folder or rename to myloadfile4dom and adapt the examples to your needs. Check out the Print4JS examples


e next steps describe the basic constituents of creating a print job within a WebApp. The following code shows the underlying software design.

    <input type="button" value="Open Print Window" onclick="openPrintWindow()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    function openPrintWindow(pURL) {
        var print_win =;
        return print_win

    function addPrintContent(pPrintWin,pContent) {
      // pContent = '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>';
      // append to document body
      pPrintWin.document.body.innerHTML += pContent;

    // var vPrintWin = openPrintWindow('about:blank');
    var vPrintWin = openPrintWindow('printwindow.html');
    addPrintContent(vPrintWin,"<h1>Hello, World!</h1>");


For application in a WebApp (e.g. AppLSAC use the library print.js.

Open Browser Window

the following HTML code shows a basic concept of opening a printer window.

// create a new printer window
var print_win ='printwindow.html');
// set the focus to the browser window

Write Content to Browser Window

// create a new printer window
var print_win ='about:blank');
// set the focus to the browser window
var content = '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>';
// append to document body
print_win.document.body.innerHTML += content;

Call Printer Dialog

Assume the window with the generated content in vPrintWin then the content can be submitted to the printer with the vPrintWin.print() command.

Close Printer Content Window

In general closing a window is called with window.close(). In this case we are closing the window with the Printer Content. The printer window can be closed with vPrintWin.close(), if the window was created/opened from the WebApp with Javascript (see alsoAppLSAC .

// create a new printer window
var print_win ='printwindow.html');
// set the focus to the browser window

Dynamically Write Content without File Load

The following function loads the content of a textarea and writes the HTML content in a new browser window. The content of the browser window will be printed.

function printTextArea() {
  console.log("Print HTML content in textarea with the ID='mytextarea'");
  var print_win ="","wPrintWin","width=300,height=300,scrollbars=1,resizable=1");
  var html = document.getElementById("mytextarea").value;

  // Open a print window print_win;

HTML Content of Printer Window

The following file shows the content of print_win_css.html:

  <link href="css/print.css" rel="stylesheet">
      Printer Window CSS

The style sheet css/print.css format the output to the desired layout (e.g. font size, fonts, ...)


The window of loaded HTML page itself cannot be closed with window.close(). This is not a bug. This a security feature, because web sites should not be able to close a browser window with all open tabs, because the user might loose the content of forms in that window.

Scan Files in docs/ Folder

The folder docs/ contains demo HTML files, that show the application of Print4JS in the library print4js.js.

Create docs/index.html for Demos as HTML

The shell script scans all demo HTML files in the folder docs/ and creates the index.html. The script `

Create src/readme/ for Demos in Markdown

The script runs in bash shell for Linux and OSX. On OSX there exists a non-GNU compatible sed command. For compatible install gsed with brew install gnu-sed and adapt the sed call with the variable sed on GNU Linux and to gsed on OSX. Adapt following line according to your operating system:

### GNU Linux
### OSX

Remark: Call if gsed on the command line in OSX. If gsed is not installed, use Homebrew to install the GNU compatible gsed with brew install gnu-sed.


This piece of software was created on GitLab as support material for the learning resource about privacy-friendly webbased applications AppLSAC]( on Wikiversity. An AppLSAC run completely in the browser without the need to submit any user generated data to a server. This package LoadFile4DOM is designed to learn about the first step:

  • (Load) Load File into a browser for processing with an HTML5-WebApp (AppLSAC-1 or AppLSAC-2). The library LoadFile4DOM serves to cover the loading feature.
  • (Process) Processing data can be done with any Javascript-libraries of your choice that can perform its task without submission of user generated data to a remote server. HandleBars4Code processes a JSON as input (UML for Javascript) to generate the JavaScript library or the documentation for a package.
  • (Save) If users want to save the processed results, it is recommended to look at the FileSaver.js library provided by Eli Grey.

Build Process of npm run build

The build process is called by npm run build which in turn call build.js. If you want to call the build process of build.js separately just call build.js with node build.js from the shell/console.

The templates for building the output are stored in the folder src/.

After the build process the is generated and if you want to have the table of contents in the file for the concatenation of files in src/readme/ listed in files4build.js then you must run the DocToc generator for by doctoc from the shell to update the table of contents in

Define Filename for build in package.json

In package.json defines the filename for the automated build for

  • for readme for the repository (parts in src/readme),
  • index.html for the web demo (parts in src/html),
  • main.css for the style sheet (part in src/css) and
  • dist/print.js is generated from the parts in src/libs the sources in src/. To specify these filenames add the following build section to the package.json:
"build": {
  "readme": "",
  "html": "docs/index.html",
  "css": "docs/css/main.css"

If you want to edit the generated file check the files that are selected for including into the generated files (see files4build.js) and set the files to a preliminary build name (e.g. like index_build.html instead of index.html to compare generated file index_build.html with the older version index.html for debugging

Compress after Build

After building (concat the file parts) and replacement of package variables (e.g. see build4code like print4js for package name) in the generated documents the module is browserified by the command

uglifyjs dist/print4js.js --compress -o dist/print4js.min.js

This command is called after build.js and the final step of the build process is the doctoc call to update the table of contents in the All steps of the npm run build command are defined in the script section of the package.json file.

Build and Compress with Browserify, Watchify, UglifyJS

The NodeJS modules can use require()-command. Browsers cannot execute the require()-command and other node specific programming features.

  • Browserify loads the file dist/print.js as input file and resolves e.g. the require()-command and creates an output file in dist/print4js.js
  • Watchify observes any changes in the source files in src/ and starts on the event of changes the build process of the file dist/print.js as input file and creates an output file in dist/print4js.js.
  • UglifyJS compresses the code in dist and takes the file dist/print4js.js and generates the compressed library in dist/print4js.min.js. The same is applied for docs/js/print4js.js and the output is docs/js/print4js.min.js. The compression of the source code can be perform without a total build by npm run compress.
  • The main browserify command creates a standalone library that can be used in the browser and it assign Print4JS to the window object by
  browserify src/main.js --standalone window > dist/print4js.js

Browserify and Watchify

Browserify and Watchify are used in this repository to control the WebApp-javascript development with the required Javascript libraries installed with NPM Node.js and similar framework world that greatly improve your javascript workflow: Using them, you no longer need to micro-manage your script tags but instead you just declare the libraries each of your client-side modules is using - or you can even create your own reusable modules! Also, installing (or updating) javascript libraries is as easy as running a single command!

Global Installation of Browserify, Watchify, UglifyJS and DocToc

Requirement: NPM is intalled. Now call for global installation of Browserfy, Watchify, UglifyJS and DocToc by:

npm install -g browserify watchify uglify-js doctoc

This is recommended because your will not install Browserfy, Watchify and UglifyJS for all your repositories separately.

  • Browserfy converts node_modules in a single library, that can be imported in WebApp. Browserify resolves dependencies and included the required libraries into the bundled javascript code.
  • Watchify watches changes in the source code and runs the build process whenever it detects changes in the your source code.
  • UglifyJS compresses the source code of dist/class_editor_uml.js into class_editor_uml.min.js to reduce download time and WebApp performance during load.
  • DocToc is used to create a helpful table of contents in the README (see [DocToc-Installation] for further details on NPM DocToc ). Run doctoc for updating the table of contents.
  • jsLint is used to check the Javascript code, quality of code can be improved by application of jsLint

Package Installation of Browserify and Watchify - Alternative

If your prefer that browserify and watchify is installed with your npm install command, save these to modules to your dev-dependecies in your package.json by calling

  • (Install Browsersify) npm install browserify --save-dev
  • (Install Watchify) npm install watchify --save-dev
  • (Install UglifyJS) npm install uglify-js --save-dev
  • (Install DocToc) npm install doctoc -g
  • (Install jshint) npm install jslint -g

The difference between --save and --save-dev is, that development dependencies are installed with npm install because they are required for the development process of the code but they are not added to the generated Javascript-bundle that are used in the WebApp ClassEditorUML. The --save-dev commands for browserify and watchify will install the two modules with all the the dependencies in node_modules and add the dev-dependencies to your package.json.

"devDependencies": {
  "browserify": "^14.5.0",
  "watchify": "^3.9.0",
  "uglify-js": "^2.6.2",
  "lint": "^1.1.2"  

In the current repository Browserfy and Watchify are expected to be installed globally, because the package.json does not contain the dev-dependencies mentioned above.

Start Watching the Files with Watchify

Watchify will trigger the npm run build process if files were change due to alteration of code. To start watching the files, run the npm-watch script by npm run watch, which is defined in package.json

Source JS file and development bundle output

The main JS source file for the build process is src/main.js. The output library (resp. output file of build process) is stored in distrubtion library for browser based web-development in dist/print4js.js. Compressed code is generated with UglifyJS. It takes the dist/print4js.js as input file and creates the compressed file dist/print4js.min.js. The compression of dist/print4js.js into dist/print4js.min.js uses uglify-js module and can be started by

npm run compress


Special thanks to the following individual developers and teams of OpenSource JavaScript projects:

  • print.js by Rodrigo Vieira
  • HandleBars the code generation in Javascript was developed by Yehuda Katz.
  • JSON-Editor by Jeremy Dorn. The JSON Editor takes a JSON Schema and uses it to generate an HTML form. The JSON-Editor is partially used to edit JSON file of the ClassEditorUML UML for Javascript.
  • Developer Mihai Bazon create UglifyJS, a great tool to handle and parse Javascript Code and minify the Javascript code (see Source Code of UglifyJS).
  • The wrapper for UglifyJS is written Dan Wolff. His UglifyJS-Online example is used to minify/compress the exported Javascript code of generated JS Classes (For Online Example of the UglifyJS-Wrapper see source code on for the Online-Version of the Wrapper.
  • Developers of ACE Code Editor (Javascript Editing uses the Editor in iFrames)
  • FileSaver.js Developer Eli Grey provided the FileSaver.js that is used to store created JSCC files to the local filesystem. JSCC uses the same mechanism of browsers, that allows a Save as... in the context menu of a web pages or image. So not uncontrolled write access to your file system is implemented, because users have to select the locations in which the user whats to store the file (e.g. JSON, Javascript or HTML).
  • JointJS JointJS is a JavaScript diagramming library. It can be used to create either static diagrams. JointJS is used in this project to create UML-diagrams, that are interactive diagramming in conjunction and application builder in Javascript.
  • Inheritage for JavaScript with protoypes by Gavin Kistner
  • 3 ways to define a JavaScript class by Stoyan Stefanov
  • JQuery is used for the theme and standard operations in the Document Object Model (DOM) of HTML-pages. The JQuery-Themeroller was used to create a JQuery theme for JSCC.

Libraries required for Print4JS

The following libraries are necessary for print4js.js:

Libraries for Building and Developement

The following libraries are necessary for building the print4js. These libraries are not included in print4js.js, but e.g. are required in build.js.

  • Lib: @babel/core Version: 7.4.5
  • Lib: @babel/preset-env Version: 7.4.5
  • Lib: babel-loader Version: 8.0.6
  • Lib: build4code Version: ^0.3.13
  • Lib: coveralls Version: 3.0.4
  • Lib: css-loader Version: 2.1.1
  • Lib: istanbul-instrumenter-loader Version: 3.0.1
  • Lib: jasmine-core Version: 3.4.0
  • Lib: karma Version: 4.1.0
  • Lib: karma-chrome-launcher Version: 2.2.0
  • Lib: karma-coverage Version: 1.1.2
  • Lib: karma-jasmine Version: 2.0.1
  • Lib: karma-phantomjs-launcher Version: 1.0.4
  • Lib: karma-sourcemap-loader Version: 0.3.7
  • Lib: karma-webpack Version: 3.0.5
  • Lib: mini-css-extract-plugin Version: 0.7.0
  • Lib: node-sass Version: 4.12.0
  • Lib: optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin Version: 5.0.1
  • Lib: sass-loader Version: 7.1.0
  • Lib: shelljs Version: ^0.8.3
  • Lib: standard Version: 12.0.1
  • Lib: uglifyjs-webpack-plugin Version: 2.1.3
  • Lib: webpack Version: 4.33.0
  • Lib: webpack-cli Version: 3.3.3
  • Lib: webpack-dev-server Version: 3.7.1

NPM Library Information

  • Exported Module Variable: Print4JS
  • Package: print4js
  • Version: 1.0.61 (last build 2019/10/09 0:02:16)
  • Homepage:
  • License: MIT
  • Date: 2019/10/09 0:02:16
  • Require Module with:
    const vPrint4JS = require('print4js');
  • JSHint: installation can be performed with npm install jshint -g


A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web.







No packages published


  • JavaScript 79.6%
  • Shell 11.0%
  • CSS 5.0%
  • HTML 4.4%