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A massively over-engineered web/iOS/Android app about a small sausage dog, Milo 🐶

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Directory Structure

├── .buildkite              # A Buildkite ( pipeline declaration & CI instance
│   ├── build-agent         # Terraform files for spinning up a Buildkite agent instance
├── api                     # A GraphQL server using graphql-yoga (
├── app                     # A React Native (using React Native for Web ( app supporting iOS, Android, and Web
├── *.docker-compose.yml    # Handle spinning up containerised applications
├── ...

Development & Running is a monorepo containing several containerised applications. It is set up for local development using Docker (via mounted volumes). As you make changes to the code, they'll be reflected.


  1. You must have Docker installed (minimum version: 18.06). You must also set { "experimental": true } in the Docker Daemon configuration file.

    Both the minimum version and the experimental config mentioned above are needed because this project uses the Buildkit engine to do Docker builds. Buildkit provides lots of benefits such as skipping unused build stages and parallelising independent build stages. Additionally, it allows for use of experimental Dockerfile syntaxes, which in turn allows us to use cache mounts to further optimise builds. For example, whereas adding a new package will invalidate the Docker layer cache upon yarn install, using a cache mount will ensure that all the previously-downloaded packages are reused and only the new package is installed.

  2. If your chosen method of installation of Docker doesn't already include Docker Compose, please make sure you install that too.

  3. You must have yarn installed.

  4. Install Xcode & CocoaPods: follow the instructions on the React Native environment setup page.

    Make sure to select "Target OS: iOS" and the React Native CLI Quickstart and not the Expo one. Then scroll down to the "Xcode & CocoaPods" section, and follow the steps there.

    You may skip the "Node & Watchman" section as both of these are run within a Docker container in our setup, which avoids having to run them locally during development.

  5. Install Android dependencies: again, follow the instructions on the React Native docs React Native CLI Quickstart, but for Android this time.

    As part of these steps, you'll be asked to download Android Studio. Be sure to also create a virtual device within Android Studio.

    You can skip any steps for installing Node and Watchman.

To start all services for development:

This project uses two root-level Docker Compose files to manage startup of all the applications contained within this repo.

There is a "Test" version of each service declared in the Docker Compose files, following the pattern "xTest". Those test services are optimised for use in CI branch builds (for example, the test version of a service will leave out steps that are specific to running a development server).

The below commands do not start the "Test"/CI-specific services:

  1. From project root: yarn start. Now all the development servers for all services are containerised and running.

  2. Open Android Studio and your chosen device within Android Studio by going to Tools > AVD Manager and pressing the "play"/launch button on your previously-setup device.

  3. To run iOS and Android frontends: yarn run:app

Visit the below to access each service:

/api: http://localhost:4000


  • Development server (Metro bundler): http://localhost:8081/
  • iOS frontend: Xcode simulator on your local machine (launched by yarn run:app in steps above)
  • Android frontend: Android Studio emulator on your local machine (manually opened and then connected to the dev server by yarn run:app step above)
  • Web frontend: TBD

Application server logs:

As with any Dockerised application, you may use the Docker CLI to access any logs:

  1. docker ps -a to see all running containers. Copy the container ID of the application whose logs you'd like to view.

  2. docker logs <containerID> -f will show you the latest logs. You can use ^C (control + c) to exit the shell.

Alternative way to run the services:

You may of course choose to run each service individually, locally, rather than as a containerised application.

In that case you need to have all the Prerequisites mentioned above as well as Node and Watchman installed as per the React Native docs.

Check the README of each application for steps to run it locally.


To run tests against containerised applications:


From project root: yarn run-test:api:dev


From project root: yarn run-test:app:dev

To run tests against applications set up locally:

  1. Ensure you've followed the installation instructions in each application's README.

  2. yarn test

Running in production mode

As with development, the below runs all services except those configured specifically for running tests in CI:

From project root: yarn serve


A massively over-engineered webapp about a small sausage dog, Milo 🐶






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