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Data Science with R

The goal of this repository is to provide a series of course materials that is used for online seminars to introduce modern data science practice using the R language. Each subfolder in the respository provides materials for a specific course in the seminar series.

Instructor: Gabriel Rosenfeld



  • intro_programming_r: provides the basics of using the R programming language for analysis and is suitable for those who are new to using the R language
  • reproducible_workflows_r: provides an introduction to using reproducible workflows with a data analysis project through the targets R package and is suitable for intermediate R users with familiarity to functions, project organization, and manipulating files
  • reproducible_workflows_hpc: provides an overview of using the targets reproducible workflow approach on the NIAID LOCUS High-Performance computing environment to scale up analyses and is suitable for intermediate/advanced R users with familiarity to functions, project organization, file manipulation, as well as understanding/access to an HPC environment

Useful Resources:

Intro Programming R course:

Reproducible workflows R course

Reproducible workflows HPC course