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Quickly create shared complex reactive state structures. Built using @vue/reactivity and rxjs

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npm install --save vue-simple-state

Usage - useState

useState is meant to be used directly inside of a setup function in a Vue 3+ component, however, it can be used without. Read more about setup in Vue's docs. For use outside of a Vue 3+ component, use the manualUnsub option below (if Vue is installed, otherwise this is the default), or manually interact with State (see Advanced Usage)

useState(config) - Options

state - Direct read-only access to state

The state property is read-only direct access to the current state. state is used as a computed variable, its value will be accessed using the value property.

import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { state } = useState()

        return {

computed(fn) - Create a read-only computed state variable using a function

Variables created using the computed method take a function to pull out a value from state. computed is used as a computed variable, its value will be accessed using the value property.

  • fn <(state) => any> - Function used to extract value from state
import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { computed } = useState()

        const userName = computed((state) => {

        return {

reactive(path, default?) - Create a read-only state variable by path

Variables created using the reactive method take a path to pull out a value from state and an optional default value if none is found. reactive is used as a computed variable, its value will be accessed using the value property.

  • path <string[]> - Path by property name to access state value
  • default <any?> - (Optional) Default value to return when state value is not set
import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { reactive } = useState()

        const userName = reactive(['user', 'name'], 'Joe')

        return {

writable(path, default?) - Create a read-write computed state variable by path

Variables created using the writable method take a path to pull out a value from state and an optional default value if none is found. writable is used as a read-write computed variable, its value will be accessed and set using the value property.

  • path <string[]> - Path by property name to access state value
  • default <any?> - (Optional) Default value to return when state value is not set
    <input v-model="userName" />

import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { writable } = useState()

        const userName = writable(['user', 'name'], 'Joe')

        return {

useNamespace(path) - Create a namespace for state

When using state in components, splitting out state to group related information is essential. Namespaces share all of the same properties/methods as described above but they are scoped to the defined namespace. Namespaces return their own useNamespace method, allowing creation of a namespace off of another namespace

  • path <string[]> - Path by property name to access state value
import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { useNamespace } = useState()
        const { reactive } = useNamespace(['user'])

        const userName = reactive(['name'], 'Joe')

        return {

unsubscribe() - Manually unsubscribe

This method only exists when configured with the manualUnsub option set to true (or when Vue 3+ is not installed). When called it will unsubscribe useState from any future state updates

import { useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

const { state, unsubscribe } = useState({
    manualUnsub: true

// ...use state

// cleanup subscription

Usage - config

config.set(config) - Set application-level configuration

Any config set using this method will be used as the default config for the application. These settings can be overwritten per-use of useState(config)

  • config {} - Application-level configuration
    • manualUnsub <bool = false*> - Choose to manually unsubscribe from state updates. Defaults to false. When set to true, useState will return an unsubscribe method to call in order to unsubscribe manually. By default, useState will unsubscribe using the onUnmounted component lifecycle hook.
      • *When Vue 3+ is not installed, this option defaults to true and will require unsubscribe to be called manually for cleanup
import { config } from 'vue-simple-state'

    // ...options

config.get() - Get the current configuration being used

import { config } from 'vue-simple-state'

const currentConfig = config.get()

config.reset() - Reset configuration to default

import { config } from 'vue-simple-state'

// manualUnsub === true


// manualUnsub === false

Advanced usage - State

State is the service maintaining the BehaviorSubject that is being used to handle the application state

State.observable - Direct read-only access to the observable

import { State } from 'vue-simple-state'

const behaviorSubject = State.observable


State.update(fn) - Update state using a function

  • fn <(state) => state> - Function used to manipulate state and return an updated state
import { State } from 'vue-simple-state'

State.update((state) => { = 'value'
    return state

State.subscribe(fn) - Subscribe a function to state changes

Returns a function that when called will unsubscribe the observer

  • fn <(state) => void> - Function called each time state changes
import { State } from 'vue-simple-state'

function onStateChange(state) {
    console.log('called on state updates', state)

const unsubscribe = State.subscribe(onStateChange)

// cleanup subscription

Advanced Examples

Reading/Writing state to localStorage

import { State } from 'vue-simple-state'

function getSavedState() {
    return window.localStorage.getItem(...)

function setSavedState(state) {


Creating a custom writable computed state variable

import { computed } from 'vue'
import { State, useState } from 'vue-simple-state'

export default {
    // ...
    setup() {
        const { writable } = useState()

        // Given: state.tags === 'one,two'
        // Read tags as an Array: ['one', 'two']
        // Update tags in state as a String: 'one,two,X'
        const stateTags = writable(['tags'])
        const tags = computed({
            get: () => stateTags.value.split(','),
            set: (val) => (stateTags.value = val.join(','))

        return {