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Releases: nhn/tui.chart


22 Nov 02:48
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  • Speed up when creating and using large numbers of charts in one page (Improved text dimension calculation).
  • Improved ways to find data from chart mouse events when chart spacing is narrow (improved with x-coordinate first search).
    • When the x-coordinate distance is narrow, there is a problem that the tooltip of the last data at the right end of the chart of the line or area chart is not displayed.


  • Fixed a bug where the value of the tooltip label changed when trying to change the makingSeriesLabel value with the chart.format option.
  • Fixed a bug where the series.colorByPoint option was not applied.
  • Fixed a bug where the legend list was broken when the legend align was top or bottom
  • Fixed a bug where the zoom selection area of the line and area chart was pushed to the left and was incorrectly rendered.
  • A plot is not drawn when there is only one category in a chart, and a bug that caused a javascript error has been fixed.


12 Oct 01:36
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  • Added setData api - you can change the data in the chart and draw it.

    var chart = tui.chart.barChart(data);
        categories: ['June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov'],
        series: [
                name: 'Budget',
                data: [5000, 3000, 5000, 7000, 6000, 4000],
                visible: false
                name: 'Income',
                data: [8000, 1000, 7000, 2000, 5000, 3000]
  • Added getCheckedLegend api - you can to be know legend checkbox state.

    var chart = tui.chart.barChart(data);
    var checkedLegendInfo = chart.getCheckedLegend();
  • Added changeChecedLenged event as a public event.

    var chart = tui.chart.barChart(data);
    chart.on('changeCheckedLegends', function(info) {


  • Improved ga hostname collection method. (From tui-code-snippet version v1.4.0)


  • Fixed a bug that caused data to return to the previous version when the legend checkbox was changed after calling rerender.(rerender API has been deprecated. It is recommended to use setData api instead.)


07 Aug 04:58
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  • Fixed an error when series.showLabel and series.showLegend option is true and data value is 0 in pie chart.


06 Aug 04:48
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  • The sereis.labelSuffix and series.labelPrefix options have been added to the labelable charts.
series: {
    showLabel: true,
    labelSuffix: '$',
    labelPrefix: '^',
  • Important - Added bundle file type in 'dist directory'.
    • Added tui-chart-all.js - Includes all dependency modules, including 'babel-polyfill', in bundle file code
    • Added tui-chart-polyfill.js - Dependency modules are not included in the code, but include only 'babel-polyfill'.


  • tui-chart.js - The babel-polyfill dependency code in the main bundle file tui-chart.js has been removed.
    • tui-chart.js does not include a dependency module.
      Prev version's 'tui-chart.js' includes 'babel-polyfill' in the code, so we've added a tui-chart-polyfill.js file to reduce user confusion.
    • 'tui-cahrt-polyfill.js' is an intermediate temporary distribution file intended to reduce user confusion and will be deprecated soon.


  • Fixed a bug where a 0-byte file was created when exporting a line chart or a chart containing lines to image.


20 Jul 05:47
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  • Fixed bug where the bottom of the chart does not appear when the legend.align option is 'top' and the chart.title option is empty.


17 Jul 05:35
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  • Added two yAxis options in the line chart.

    • example link

      var options = {
          yAxis: [{
              title: 'Temperature (Celsius)',
          }, {
              title: 'Percent (%)',
              min: 0,
              max: 100,
              suffix: '%'
      tui.chart.lineChart(container, rawData, options);
  • Added two yAxis options in the bar chart.

    • example link

      var options = {
          yAxis: [{
              title: 'Month'
          }, {
              title: 'Secondary Info',
              categories: ['06 / 2017', '07 / 2017', '08 / 2017', '09 / 2017', '10 / 2017', '11 / 2017']
      tui.chart.barChart(container, rawData, options);


  • Fixed a bug where there was no data when exporting from a pie chart.
  • Fixed bug where rightYAxis of diverging chart is not visible.
  • Fixed a bug that Using two yAxis options in Combo chart did not work.


19 Jun 01:44
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  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of the first value on the radial chart was broken.
  • Fixed an issue in which pieChart was drawn abnormally when using radiusRange in seriese with value 0.


15 May 02:25
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  • Apply ES6 with babel


  • Fixed a bug where sorting with chart.title.align option was awkward.
  • When using the xAxis.tickInterval option, a bug where the last label on the x axis overlaps the previous label has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where file contents are not normally displayed when exporting xls, csv from IE.


17 Apr 05:41
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  • Title alignment options left, right, center.
    • title.align

      var options = {
          chart: {
              title: {
                  text: 'chart title center',
                  align: 'center'  // left | center | right
  • usageStatistics option : Send the hostname to google analytics. If you do not want to send the hostname, this option set to false.


  • Improved that tooltip is not visible in column & bar chart where data is 0
  • Improvements where labels are not clearly visible where the labelRotate option is true
  • Improved that the x-axis start and end values are displayed at the beginning and end of the graph when the autoInterval option is true.
  • Improvements in the stack&column chart where the totals are sometimes out of the chart.


  • Fixed a bug that caused errors when calling the chart.resize() API
  • Fixed a bug where the showLabel option in the legend area is false, but the group tooltips are used together
  • Fixed non-animated bug in lines or bands added when adding PlotLine and PlotBand options in dynamic charts
  • Fixed a bug where there was only one series in the area chart with spline and stack options.


17 Apr 06:08
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  • Improved that tooltip is not visible in column & bar chart where data is 0


  • Fixed non-animated bug in lines or bands added when adding PlotLine and PlotBand options in dynamic charts