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Releases: nhn/tui.chart


29 Jan 23:43
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Bug Fixes

  • a47af54 Change the sideEffects setting, set the css file with side effects not to be tree shaken.


29 Jan 07:04
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  • Fixed a bug where tickInterval auto did not work properly in the line chart when there is no initial data and when data is defined with setData afterwards
  • Add custom tooltip data color information
  • Fixed a bug where data labels were not exposed when using line chart null data


28 Jan 06:51
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  • Add classname prefix(toastui-chart)
  • Initialize selected series when calling data manipulation API or calling Resize


26 Jan 05:53
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🎊 TOAST UI Chart 4.0 is here! 🎊

TOAST UI Chart v3 was developed based on svg and raphael.js. We supported and were loved by a wide range of browsers from IE8 to more modern browsers. However, as time passed, raphael.js stopped updating, and we needed to find a new solution to continue building the Chart. TOAST UI Chart team removed all of the dependencies and rebuilt the entire product based on canvas from scratch in order to make the Chart lighter.

As we kick off the new year 2021, we would like to introduce the brand-new TOAST UI Chart. Now, let's take a look at each and every change!

πŸ‘€ What's new?

πŸ“Œ Lighter Chart

TOAST UI Chart v4.0 removed all of the dependencies including raphael.js and TOAST UI Code Snippet and replaced it with our own reactive system.

Furthermore, with the ESM build support, users can pick out the charts as necessary and use the Chart more efficiently.

πŸ“Œ Features Made Easier


The responsive option allows users to define chart options according to the changes in the chart's width or height and even manage the animation play speed.

const options = {
  responsive: {
    animation: { duration: 300 },
    rules: [
        condition: ({ width, height }) => {
          // Apply the following options when the width is below 500px and the height is below 400px.
          return w <= 500 && h <= 400;
        options: {
          chart: { title: '' },
          legend: {
            visible: false
          exportMenu: {
            visible: false

Users can use this option to change the position of the legend, change the interval between ticks or labels, and much more custom options according to the size of the chart rendered.


Live Update

Live Update feature can be used to update the chart according to the chart's size when new data is added in real time. The feature that was only supported with Line Chart in TOAST UI Chart v3.x is now supported with Area, Line, Heatmap, LineArea, Column, and ColumnLine charts.

Area Line Heatmap
area live update line heatmap
LineArea Column ColumnLine
lineArea column columnline

Use the Live Update features to make your data come to life!

Even More Themes and Layout Configurations

In order to make the charts blend into the styles of users' services, we are offering a wider variety of theme options than we did with v3.x. Users now have the ability to change styles like color, width, format not only for the series but also for other components like axes, legends, plots, and more!

Additionally, users can control not only the size of the entire chart but also the widths and heights of specific components in order to make the chart's layout more suitable for the page.

const options = {
  xAxis: {
    width: 700,
    height: 100
  yAxis: {
    width: 100,
    height: 350,
  legned: {
    width: 200

Use the themes and layout options to customize your charts!

πŸ“Œ Easier Development

TOAST UI Chart v4.0 is written in TypeScript and is of the Mono-repo format that uses Lerna. Any developer who wishes to contribute to the TOAST UI Chart can understand the code through types and due to the fact that there are multiple Github issues in a single repository.

✈️ Migration Guide

Are you already using TOAST UI Chart v3.x? Then we have put together a migration guide just for you. Check out the changes by stages and apply them!


22 Apr 07:51
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  • Apply Heatmap border color, width theme option(#292)
  • Apply Legend label color on spectrumLegend theme option(#292)
var theme = {
    series: {
        startColor: '#ffefef',
        endColor: '#ac4142',
        borderColor: '#fff', // heatmap border color
        borderWidth: 2 // heatmap border width
    legend: {
        label: {
            color: 'blue' // heatmap / treemap spectrum font color
  • Recalculate legend pagination button when calling setData(#293)
  • Reset prevXData when calling setData For applying tickInterval(#294)


03 Apr 01:15
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  • Change the order of stack column chart grouped tooltip(#280)


31 Mar 07:34
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  • column chart connector(#279)
    • deprecate stackType option
    • add new stack option
const options = {
  series: {
    stack: 'normal' | 'percent',
    // or
    stack: {
      type: 'normal' | 'percent',
      connector: boolean,  // default: false
      // or
      connector: {
        type: 'solid' | 'dotted', // default: solid
        color: string, // default: #aaa
        width: number // default: 1


  • Change the order of stack column chart legend (#279)


20 Mar 02:57
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  • Fix group tooltip render properly with xAxis pointOnColumn option(#273)
  • FIx hiding group tooltip line after zoom(#277)


04 Mar 01:47
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  • remove babel-polyfill, use core-js directly(#263)
file name before size after size variance etc
tui-chart.js 1.61MB 1.65MB 40KB ↗️ include tui.code-snippet
tui-chart-polyfill.js 1.88MB 1.73MB 160KB β†˜οΈ use core-js directly
tui-chart-all.js 2.09MB 1.82MB 270KB β†˜οΈ decrease code-snippet size 70KB


  • Fix group tooltip render properly with xAxis pointOnColumn option(#260)
  • Fix line-scatter combo chart mouse event detecting Bug(#254)


03 Feb 02:26
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  • destroy API
    • Destroys the chart instance.
    var chart = new LineChart({ ... });


  • add series animation duration options(#203)
    • except radial, map, box, dynamically line type chart
    • default: true
const options = {
  series: {
    animation: false
// or

const options = {
  series: {
    animation: {
      duration: 0 // number
  • add animation parameter to setData
chart.setData(rawData, false); // off animation
chart.setData(rawData, {duration: 1000}); // set animation duration
  • Improving tooltip(#255)
    • reduce tooltip animation duration
    • Fixed event detection on tooltips
    • Change bound area from 50 to chart tick interval


  • Fixed that YAxis is moved when set rotateLabel false(#245)