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This project focuses on serving an intuitive select control. This look and feel of the component has been inspired by AngularJS isteven-multiselect directive, but from coding perspective, this may not be architectured in the similar way. It supports ultimate features like

  • 🖱️Virtual scroll
  • 📃Forms
  • 🎨Theming (bootstrap/material)
  • 👀Observable
  • 🅰️@angular 6+
  • 👨‍👧‍👧Grouping
  • etc...

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Getting Started

It's super easy to get started with Angular multiselect dropdown. Only three steps are required:

  1. Install @ngx-lib/multiselect package

    npm install -S @ngx-lib/multiselect
  2. Import module NgxMultiselectModule into your app.module.ts

    import { NgxMultiselectModule } from '@ngx-lib/multiselect';
        imports: [
            NgxMultiselectModule // <-- add module in imports
        bootstrap: [AppComponent],
        providers: [...],
        declarations: [...]
    export class AppModule {
  1. Use ngx-multiselect on HTML

    <ngx-multiselect [(ngModel)]="selectedCountry" [options]="countries" ngDefaultControl> </ngx-multiselect>
    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
        ngOnInit() {
            this.countries = [
                { id: 1, name: "India"},
                { id: 2, name: "USA" },
                { id: 3, name: "China" },
                { id: 4, name: "Japan" }
            this.selectedCountry = [{
                id: 1,
                name: "India"

Version Support

Angular Version Supported version
Angular 6 - 8 @ngx-lib/multiselect - 1.x.x
Angular 9+ @ngx-lib/multiselect - 2.x.x


Developer tasks

We use npm to manage the dependencies and to run build tasks. You should run all these tasks from the multiselect/docs_app folder. Here are the most important tasks you might need to use:

  • npm install - install all the dependencies.

  • npm run setup - install all the dependencies and run dgeni on the docs.

  • npm run build - create a production build of the application (after installing dependencies, etc).

  • npm start - run a development web server that watches the files; then builds the doc-viewer and reloads the page, as necessary.

  • npm run serve-and-sync - run both the docs-watch and start in the same console.

  • npm run lint - check that the doc-viewer code follows our style rules.

  • npm test - watch all the source files, for the doc-viewer, and run all the unit tests when any change.

  • npm test -- --watch=false - run all the unit tests once.

  • npm run e2e - run all the e2e tests for the doc-viewer.

  • npm run docs - generate all the docs from the source files.

  • npm run docs-watch - watch the multiselect source and the docs files and run a short-circuited doc-gen for the docs that changed (don't work properly at the moment).

  • npm run docs-lint - check that the doc gen code follows our style rules.

  • npm run docs-test - run the unit tests for the doc generation code.

  • npm run build-ie-polyfills - generates a js file of polyfills that can be loaded in Internet Explorer.

Running unit tests

Run test cases

ng test --project='multiselect'

Check code coverage

  1. ng test --project='multiselect' --code-coverage
  2. npx http-server -c-1 -o -p 9875 ./coverage

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